想買spl800i / ultra800 / sunfire hrs8
本帖最後由 darren14 於 2010-2-5 01:12 編輯各位師兄, 我想買十仔, 放右邊角位8吋夠唔夠? 呢個位係唔係太近? 用太大隻會皇帝位係唔係反而會冇咩低頻, 去晒飯廳?
Hello, Ching,
I am using the ultra 800 and my listening area is about the same as yours i.e. 8'x8' approx.
I am very satisfy on ultra 800. the widest part (front ) of he sub-woofer is 11" so, you will need a space larger than that...although I am putting the sub very similar to your sketch, i.e.- between the speaker stand and the wall, but I thought it would be better if the sub can be placed away from the wall ..about 1' gap between them. But it seems mission impossible for your setup. same to me too!!
By the way, since my place is similar, would like to know which floor-standing speaker you are using?, brand and model please? Do you have too much bass from the floor standing speaker?? If you have to buy 8", then I will choose ultra800 or sunfire HRS-8 depend on what sound you like....spl800i is old mode and ultra800 will be better a lot... {:6_235:} You should reserved some space to turn left or right with subwoofer.In my place,I place it beside the left speaker and turn right about 30 degree ! 如果係我都會放在右邊,放左邊可能會走哂,不過用10吋會唔會好D呢{:6_182:}(講真見你幅圖8吋都可能夠了) 終於忍唔住...
聽日拎埋正野俾你睇... 右邊牆角for sure~ Hello, Ching,
I am using the ultra 800 and my listening area is about the same as yours i.e. 8'x8' approx.
I am very satisfy on ultra 800. the widest part (front ) of he sub-woofer is 11" so, you wil ...
chanwt 發表於 2010-1-31 20:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你都係"L"形廳? 咁就真係要你分響吓你D經驗啦, 我前置係NHT ST4, 其實都有時會覺得低頻多得濟...但由於組合AV時BUDGET 所限,冇買SUBWOOFER, 諗住用對勁D既前置令佢低頻量多D, 諗住買返十仔可以改返AMP SETUP 前置做SMALL, 唔會咁多低頻, 不過對對前置既原裝腳都幾"牙"位(睇下面條LINK就知), 如果改返普通腳釘又唔見成千, 但改左腳釘右邊角位先有13吋 (唔改得9吋) 個十仔要放前左2呎{:6_123:} 去到皇帝位都係得4-5呎......定係放棄埋對前置換書架? 等十仔有多D位放? 但又好似冇用12吋咁大隻十仔....真係好傷腦筋, 定係唔要SOFA邊隻櫃, 放十隻響SOFA邊, 不過會唔會呢個位冇咁好?
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=10329&extra=page%3D9 本帖最後由 darren14 於 2010-2-1 12:58 編輯
If you have to buy 8", then I will choose ultra800 or sunfire HRS-8 depend on what sound you like....spl800i is old mode and ultra800 will be better a lot... {:6_235:}
cmsjkung 發表於 2010-1-31 20:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
星期六試過花園4/F試左SPL1000ULTRA, 係幾勁褲腳都被佢掃埋, 好快, 幾乾淨
又去左添置試SUNFIRE HRS10, 冇諗過D低頻量多咁多 (因為之前阿二成日見人試HRS12) 都唔覺有咁勁量感, 係多到有D肥, 我問個哥哥仔係唔係扭到個VOL好大, 佢話一半多少少....睇IRONMAN真係地動山搖, 成個房充滿低頻, 但係係幾唔舒服..... 可能真係太大VOL (AMP & SUB)
不過ULTRA 幾$到.... 好似有少少OUT BUDGET... You should reserved some space to turn left or right with subwoofer.In my place,I place it beside the left speaker and turn right about 30 degree !
insider 發表於 2010-1-31 22:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你都係"L"形廳? 我都有諗過咁做, 不過都要放棄一隻櫃, 不過其實我都可以放棄D櫃, 因為之前有家人搬屋, 會有一間新房安置物件.
咁你向右左30度隻十仔, 個效果得唔得, 如果放返正隻十仔, 客廳會唔會真係冇晒低頻?你用咩MODEL SUBWOOFER?