darren14 發表於 2010-2-1 13:04

rlwk2009 發表於 2010-1-31 22:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

如果放到其實我都想10吋, 我都怕唔夠用到時又升級重浪費$, 不過如果真係咁用當然就8吋都OK, 不過8吋大部份十仔份AMP 既WATT同10吋都有分別, 10同12吋就一樣=.=真係...唔知點揀呀...

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-1 18:39

Hi Darren14 hing,

No, my living room is not L shape but rectangular and the corridor split it into 2 at the middle. From other ching advice, I was so hesitate to buy floor standing speaker although I would really love to get one pair.
I tried to borrow one set of floor standing speaker from a friend and tried them for few weeks, but the bass was really too much for me (little bit of booming) of course I can set it at the amp to reduce the bass but when you just cannot do that in "Pure Audio" mode, which I used for muisc. the high frequency from teh speakers are lovely but just cannot stand the bass. so I have to return them few days ago.
Considering a book shelve speaker thinking about eposand Dali Ikon 2.

i am afraid I 've the same problem as you, about the sub-woofer size, would like ot have a 10" but space is limited, anyway, 8" is fine by me.

Agree with other ching said, you may lost much bass if you put the sub on teh left!

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-1 18:39

Hi Darren14 hing,

No, my living room is not L shape but rectangular and the corridor split it into 2 at the middle. From other ching advice, I was so hesitate to buy floor standing speaker although I would really love to get one pair.
I tried to borrow one set of floor standing speaker from a friend and tried them for few weeks, but the bass was really too much for me (little bit of booming) of course I can set it at the amp to reduce the bass but when you just cannot do that in "Pure Audio" mode, which I used for muisc. the high frequency from teh speakers are lovely but just cannot stand the bass. so I have to return them few days ago.
Considering a book shelve speaker thinking about eposand Dali Ikon 2.

i am afraid I 've the same problem as you, about the sub-woofer size, would like ot have a 10" but space is limited, anyway, 8" is fine by me.

Agree with other ching said, you may lost much bass if you put the sub on teh left!

matt 發表於 2010-2-1 19:13

some people say booming of small room with floor stand(more units like more than 3 units). if your amp is power enough to control the bass of the speaker - push and pull of the unit, i dont think it wil lbe a problem. for your space, i think floorstand has no problem at all however you have to put more money on the amp to control the floorstand - more unit. or you can use floorstand with 2 unit which is the same as bookshelves.
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