本帖最後由 志緯 於 2018-10-12 21:49 編輯今天朋友從香港幫我帶返LX500,隨機附上挑戰者一號,但輸出畫質係8bit,有師兄測試過嗎?我試其他HDR10片子係正常既 輸入係12bit 會唔會條HDMI線有問題 本帖最後由 志緯 於 2018-10-12 21:52 編輯
AskaLung@FB 發表於 2018-10-12 21:29
之前用203 DV出到
播放中應該是毀滅大作戰(台譯) Rampage (2018) ,師兄 會唔會係HDMI PORT唔支持10bit??? Bit rate output 可以選的。是不是選了8 bit? Dolby Vision 係以8 bit RGB包裝輸出訊號,其實佢係YCbCr 12 bit訊號嚟 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2018-10-13 15:28 編輯
Source from internet
Dolby Vision RGB Tunneling
The method Dolby Vision (DV) uses to transport the signal over HDMI is referred to as “RGB Tunneling”. The 12-bit ICtCp DV signal + Metadata is encapsulated inside the regular RGB 8-bit video signal. The DV “tunneling” carries 12-bit YCbCr 4:2:2 data in an RGB 4:4:4 8-bit transport. This is possible because both signal formats have the same 8.9 Gbps data rate requirements.
DV requires dynamic luminance data which cannot be explicitly carried in an HDMI 2.0 (18 Gbps max) data stream, so it is designed to transport over HDMI 1.4 (8.9 Gbps max); at least up to 4K@30. DV base content and DV luminance (meta) data is encapsulated in an HDMI 1.4 compatible (except HDCP 2.2) RGB 4:4:4 8-bit video stream. That's why Dolby claims that DV can be sent via HDMI v 1.4, but in reality, HDMI v2.0 is needed due to the HDCP v2.2 encryption.
The DV metadata is encoded into the least significant bits of the chroma channels. Upon the HDMI EDID exchange (handshake), the sink (AVR, Display, or HDMI switch) signals the source that it supports Dolby Vision "tunneling". The source then signals the sink that it's transmitting Dolby Vision through an AVI Infoframe, which therefore triggers the Dolby Vision mode in the sink. The display DV engine extracts the components and produces a tone mapped image.
As a result, video pass-through components must be DV 'aware' to not alter the signal, which is in effect 'hidden' inside the 8 bit RGB 'container'.
AVR’s may report DV signals in one of two ways, but both are correct:
Resolution: 4k:24Hz ->4k:24Hz
HDR: Dolby Vision
Color Space: RGB 4:4:4 -> RGB 4:4:4 -OR- YCbCr 4:2:2 -> YCbCr 4:2:2
Color Depth: 8 bits -> 8 bits -OR- 12 bits -> 12 bits
有啲似DoP ("DSD over PCM") 本帖最後由 志緯 於 2018-10-13 16:33 編輯
chhanthony 發表於 2018-10-13 15:26
Source from internet