Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:06

So I've been playing with this for the last couple of days and so far I really like how it sounds. I find that my WM1Z sounds more polite when compared to this. However I have had the following issues with it:
- Random shutdowns - I've had times when the thing would just suddenly shut down by itself after a few songs without warning. This has happened both when at home and when walking around out in the streets. It was especially bad today as I remember the battery was at around 80% when I first started pressing play and after a few songs it shut down but when I switched it back on after about a minute, the battery was down to around 60%.
- Runs hot so definitely not pocket friendly
- Fails to detect files on my Sandisk 400gb micro SD card from time to time; however the same card works perfectly fine on my WM1Z. I have even went as far as reformatting the card; however it didn't help so I'm now using my Samsung 256gb micro SD card and seems to be fine so far.
- The idle shutdown function is kinda strange because normally one would expect the timer to only activate if the device wasn't playing music and was left idle at the same time; however the timer is activated even if the device was playing music.
- Battery drain - in the picture above the battery was at 58% and this was while playing song number 4. By the time it got to song 7 it was down to 36%.
I really don't know whether this a software or hardware issue but it is quite annoying especially for the amount of money they charge for this...

Elvin_F 發表於 2018-10-2 18:16

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:06
So I've been playing with this for the last couple of days and so far I really like how it sounds. ...

Is the situation happen on both 3.5 and 4.4?

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:22

I'm only using the 4.4 output.

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:43

Just now the player shut down again and I decided to do a reset; however it didn't help and I found the battery level to drain by 1% every minute. This was with no music playing...I just gave the distributor a call, they said they'll call me back...{:1_247:}

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-10-2 18:57

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2018-10-2 19:02 編輯

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:43
Just now the player shut down again and I decided to do a reset; however it didn't help and I found... fast have qc issue and quite alot of problems

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-2 19:49


ip_csl 發表於 2018-10-2 20:09

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 18:43
Just now the player shut down again and I decided to do a reset; however it didn't help and I found...


Decreate 發表於 2018-10-2 20:17

ip_csl 發表於 2018-10-2 20:09


ip_csl 發表於 2018-10-2 20:43


patrick@wong 發表於 2018-10-2 21:08

ip_csl 發表於 2018-10-2 20:43

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