Chubill 發表於 2018-10-3 14:56

t1174 發表於 2018-10-3 14:38
N8 會幾熱,我想到當初的240ss。
不是奇在熱到hihi 都唔會 hang 機,另外它熱又是比較一時時,好像我用完一 ...

多問一句, 用4.4output會唔會無3.5咁熱? 或者咁問, 是否開tube output會熱的?

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-3 14:59

如果接analog耳擴而轉用LO(line outout), 是否用不到Tube既設定?

t1174 發表於 2018-10-3 16:05

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-3 14:56
多問一句, 用4.4output會唔會無3.5咁熱? 或者咁問, 是否開tube output會熱的?

不是,熱開始的地方不是 tube 位置

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-4 14:28

Just got home from the distributor's office where they exchanged my unit with another new one. Apparently Cayin's AGM, Mr. Wu, had took it upon himself to travel to HK on his day off (there is currently a 7 day holiday to celebrate National Day in China) with a new unit to facilitate the exchange. Would like to extend a big thank you to Andy for getting in touch with me and Mr. Wu for taking the extra step. {:1_351:}

unnnknown 發表於 2018-10-4 15:51


wap9999 發表於 2018-10-4 16:11


Chubill 發表於 2018-10-4 16:49

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-4 14:28
Just got home from the distributor's office where they exchanged my unit with another new one. Appar ...

So the replacement's operation is normal now? So far so good?

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-4 17:03

wap9999 發表於 2018-10-4 16:11

Try contact Winner Concept:

unnnknown 發表於 2018-10-4 17:09

wap9999 發表於 2018-10-4 16:11

直接搵winner concept

Decreate 發表於 2018-10-4 19:17

Chubill 發表於 2018-10-4 16:49
So the replacement's operation is normal now? So far so good?

So far, with the exception of not being able to read my Sandisk 400gb micro SD card, everything else has been fine.
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