dkch263 發表於 2010-1-6 00:56

剛加入OPPO BDP-83大家庭,有問題請教....

我的接駁是BDP-83 HDMI > ONKYO 905 HDMI > SHARP Z12000
BDP-83 及905output resolution 都係720P.

reanult360 發表於 2010-1-6 01:01

you press the remote button 'resolution' on the very left bottom!!to 1080p!!all done

dkch263 發表於 2010-1-6 01:16

Thanks for the advise. But my projector only support upto 720P.

alzard 發表於 2010-1-6 07:58

Tried both 1080i and 720p?Which one you think it is better.

I used similar configuration as yours to test Oppo83 before.The setting is:
Oppo83: 1080p
906: 720p / 1080i > Z12000

Not sure if the scaler of Oppo is better than the AV Amp, may be do some tests and see which combination is better. :)

dkch263 發表於 2010-1-6 14:17

Hi Alzard ching,

I have tried your suggestion but it didn't have any improvement and I found 720P output from Oppo83 is the best output resolution for my system but it still couldn't give me good picture quality in watching DVD.

After reading numerous reviews from many users, the upscaling capability of Oppo83 will be much better than 905. That's why I chose to set the output resolution of Oppo83 to 720P since I don't want any processing by 905.

According to the comments from different websies and users, the DVD upscaling of Oppo83 is almost the best in the market. It should outperfromed PS3 with no doubt. But in my case it's not. PS3 is better than Oppo83 in watching DVD. It's so weird. I was wonder what's wrong with my system to match with the Oppo83.

As I know the hardware of 905 is the same as 906 but different firmware. May I know how's the preformance of Oppo83 in your system in watching DVD? Did you encounter the same problem like me before and how you fix it? As I still have a lot of DVDs and the upscaling feature is one of the major reason I bought Oppo83. I desperately want to solve this problem.

Thank you for your kind assistance in advance.

chunny98 發表於 2010-1-6 14:58


dkch263 發表於 2010-1-6 15:07

Hi Chunny98,

Thanks for the reminding.

I have tried different hdml cables but nearly the same. So I think it's not related to hdml cable.

horace_tsang 發表於 2010-1-6 15:13

Have you tried not connecting the AMP, i.e. BDP-83 HDMI > SHARP Z12000 (just to see the picture quality), do not cater for the sound at the moment.

dkch263 發表於 2010-1-6 16:43

Hi Horace,

Thanks for the advise. Basically I don't think connect to 905 will degrade the picture quality as all my sources are connected to 905 and all have fine picture quality. Anyway, I'll give it a try and let you know outcome.

alzard 發表於 2010-1-6 20:47

I only have 83 in hand for several hours that day, and I tried my favourite drama - House (Region 1 DVD), that I used to play with my 05FD.I found that the upscaling is better with Oppo 83, with less artifacts and smoother output.

My 906 is set to "Through" in the video and let the player do the scaling.For PS3, I use 720p as output and I satisfy with Oppo 83 performance.I didn't do any head to head comparison with PS3.If it is no better than PS3, at least it is already visually better than 05FD on DVD upscale.
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