choisan 發表於 2018-8-1 18:31

本帖最後由 choisan 於 2018-8-1 20:49 編輯

nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-1 12:51
And my point is they are not the same as JE has its own technology that is completely unique, maki ...

Well written, your points noted.
buy buy buy??????
I pass

ip_csl 發表於 2018-8-1 20:01


ngong 發表於 2018-8-2 10:39


nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-3 14:02

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2018-8-3 14:06 編輯

choisan 發表於 2018-8-1 18:31
Well written, your points noted.
buy buy buy??????
I pass

I already have MH1 for 2+years, during these years I've tried many other IEM but no other BA or dynamic IEM comes close no matter how many more drivers they have. MH2 while pre-tuned is still highly competitive in other ways in that price bracket.Only Shure KSE1500 comes close (and sometimes better) but that's because it is electrostatic which has technological advantages that BA and dynamic drivers don't have.I think BA and dynamic driver only IEM has peaked as companies now can only think of putting more drivers in as their sales point (like computer CPU just adding more cores), I'm waiting for the next break through.

liondream 發表於 2018-8-5 22:08

請問那幾位已擁有 Just Ear MH1 或 MH2 的師兄,Just Ear 是不是和一般動圈耳機一樣,需要煲 (burn in) 200-300 小時,才能開聲?

cwyip 發表於 2018-8-10 00:01

DouglasChan@FB 發表於 2018-7-31 21:41
雜食一定係listening. 我最初都係二揀一,上完亦X試完就揀左listening

我今日都上左左亦x試listening 音色細緻同自然 發聲感覺似天朗同軸speaker {:1_326:} 之後再試Westone ES60 雖然高中低段段有但就冇justear 自然請問買justear耳機是否間間都冇折? Thanks

cwyip 發表於 2018-8-10 00:06

本帖最後由 cwyip 於 2018-8-10 00:08 編輯

nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-3 14:02
I already have MH1 for 2+years, during these years I've tried many other IEM but no other BA or dy ...

師兄你之前mh1 編文章寫得好生鬼 好好睇{:1_326:} {:1_338:}

PV3638 發表於 2018-8-10 09:28

cwyip 發表於 2018-8-10 00:06
師兄你之前mh1 編文章寫得好生鬼 好好睇 ...


nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-11 14:19

多謝兩位捧場 {:6_128:}

CaeserTam@FB 發表於 2018-8-23 23:17

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查看完整版本: Sony 客製耳機 Justear 終可望到港啦

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