tubeamy 發表於 2018-7-31 22:05

t1174 發表於 2018-7-21 05:04
香港至貴唔奇,但奇在今次貴了好多,日本大約港紙14000,台灣就大約 15000, 香港就成17000。

可 ...


nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-1 00:18

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2018-8-1 00:23 編輯

choisan 發表於 2018-7-31 21:30
if i pay $16xxx, i can choose ve, u12t, u18t, phantom, legend x, tia forte,............

你講呢d都只係係一味driver多嘅耳機,但完全冇留意到JE佢自己嘅技術賣點 - 超大型動圈(13.5mm)加完全唔用cross-over嘅無過濾tuning都係你所寫嘅機所冇嘅但JE獨有嘅技術。

當然最後根本取決唔係driver多而係tune得好唔好 - 而tune出到依家都重可以以聲質一戰嘅動圈名機嘅EX1000(佩帶就... 老實講真係麻麻哋)嘅松尾先生出品嘅JE嘅信心保證我想都不用我再説.

kenyips 發表於 2018-8-1 00:20

DouglasChan@FB 發表於 2018-7-31 20:14
小弟選擇Listening, DXX和亦X唔同聲.亦X listenling 好聲過 DXX, monitor 2間一樣
約左下星期造耳印 ...

系呀,listening Dxx真系唔同聲,我最後選擇club。

DouglasChan@FB 發表於 2018-8-1 00:34

kenyips 發表於 2018-8-1 00:20
系呀,listening Dxx真系唔同聲,我最後選擇club。


kenyips 發表於 2018-8-1 00:36

DouglasChan@FB 發表於 2018-8-1 00:34


DouglasChan@FB 發表於 2018-8-1 00:42

kenyips 發表於 2018-8-1 00:36


choisan 發表於 2018-8-1 06:43

nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-1 00:18
你講呢d都只係係一味driver多嘅耳機,但完全冇留意到JE佢自己嘅技術賣點 - 超大型動圈(13.5mm)加完全唔用 ...

i am saying a lot of choices.
what justear is promoting the personal tuning, not commercialized/commornitized3 versions. that is my point. enjoy.
like it buy it. we are all free.

nanaholic 發表於 2018-8-1 12:51

本帖最後由 nanaholic 於 2018-8-1 12:54 編輯

choisan 發表於 2018-8-1 06:43
i am saying a lot of choices.
what justear is promoting the personal tuning, not commercialized/c ...

And my point is they are not the same as JE has its own technology that is completely unique, making your alternate "choices" not really choices if you actually study them closely.

Again, all the ones you named are very standard multi-driver (even more most are just pure balance armature designs) with sound degrading multi cross-over designs, thus the sales point is really being just a lot of drivers. JE is the only one with aextra large dynamic driver BA hybrid with NO cross-over, which makes it completely unique amongst the "choices" you've listed, in terms of technology, even if the model they are selling is not the fully customised version. If someone wants a dynamic driver for the bass performance, most of the "choices" you've listed is already thrown out the window in the first place.

PV3638 發表於 2018-8-1 13:47

唔知完成品個 LOGO 係咪接近水平嘅呢{:6_141:}

t1174 發表於 2018-8-1 15:42

PV3638 發表於 2018-8-1 13:47
唔知完成品個 LOGO 係咪接近水平嘅呢

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查看完整版本: Sony 客製耳機 Justear 終可望到港啦

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