Velodyne DD+ 的XLR Output
請問同一個系列點解個XLR輸出會有唔同? 錯版。xlr input係female.output 係male. 左面圖是對的。右面圖不對的,連vedio out都不是黃色。
是否冒牌? 咁就有哋亂,以前重係威達做代理時買左個DD+10個XLR OUT就係右邊圖咁,宜家換DD+15係左邊圖咁,睇DD Plus_Users_Manual內的圖有係咁。 pac 發表於 2018-3-18 17:43
右面圖不對的,連vedio out都不是黃色。
video out不是黃色,我估應該係張相解相度低,唔清楚。 XLR standard input 係乸output係公,錯成咁? lnchu 發表於 2018-3-19 10:16
XLR standard input 係乸output係公,錯成咁?
唔明就係佢個Users Manual內的圖都係咁。網上哋相兩款都有。 lnchu 發表於 2018-3-19 10:16
XLR standard input 係乸output係公,錯成咁?
“.......My review sample had a minor glitch. Its rear panel offered six socket-type (input style) XLR chassis connections both for its two balanced inputs and its four balanced outputs. Unlike RCA single-ended interconnects, balanced XLR interconnects have different connectors at each end. Because chassis-mounted XLR jacks conventionally use pin-type jacks for output and sockets for input, balanced cables can be hooked up in only one direction. making it impossible for me to use the DD18+'s balanced inputs.
I notified Velodyne of this problem, and they immediately shipped me XLR adapters that converted the four XLR sockets labeled Output to the proper pin-type XLRs. They assured me that this problem was corrected for the DD-18+'s second production run.....“ {:9_419:} 今晚番去望下先 ! MingSir 發表於 2018-3-19 14:59
今晚番去望下先 !
網上篇嘢日期係2013年3月,後期生產應該係正常的,除左買到存貨。不過個XLR Out put應該唔係好多人會用到。