choisan 發表於 2018-5-30 21:40

本帖最後由 choisan 於 2018-5-30 21:43 編輯

dxa, if you dont buy ve, they are not happy {:6_121:}

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-5-30 22:58

choisan 發表於 2018-5-30 21:40
dxa, if you dont buy ve, they are not happy

I less go to dxa as they are not very polite now....{:6_123:}

choisan 發表於 2018-5-30 23:04

本帖最後由 choisan 於 2018-5-30 23:13 編輯

absolutely agreed.
there are many shops to choose from, unless you want to go for ve, this is why ,................... but many brands as good as ve.
expensive is not the best.

seaf 發表於 2018-5-30 23:10

choisan 發表於 2018-5-30 23:04
absolutely agreed.
there are many shops to choose from, unless you want to go for ve, this is why ,. ...

我淨係佢度試 ve, 其他係一mingx 度試 ?

hkgmonster 發表於 2018-5-31 16:25

同 zeus xr w/ adel 比點睇?

choisan 發表於 2018-5-31 18:20

First of all, Zeus XR w/Adel is obsoleted, no more offer.
But i did recall my impression, ve8 is more lazy with the same song. To me, 335DW is even better than ve. Each of us has different preference and the type of music we liked.
Again, go listen and buy what you like. Don't listen to the Sales. They are on commission.

hkgmonster 發表於 2018-5-31 19:20

choisan 發表於 2018-5-31 18:20
First of all, Zeus XR w/Adel is obsoleted, no more offer.
But i did recall my impression, ve8 is mor ...

之前問過代理仲有得做Zeus {:1_333:}

choisan 發表於 2018-5-31 19:24

本帖最後由 choisan 於 2018-5-31 19:27 編輯

Yes, Zeus w/o Adel is still available, also Empire has more than 1 dealer in HK.

ktnc 發表於 2018-6-5 21:00

30/5 係 empireear 網站買咗 Legend X, 9 折佢居然肯寄香港 ! 今日剛剛收到! 依家開始煲緊。

ip_csl 發表於 2018-6-5 21:22

ktnc 發表於 2018-6-5 21:00
30/5 係 empireear 網站買咗 Legend X, 9 折佢居然肯寄香港 ! 今日剛剛收到! 依家開始煲緊。 ...

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查看完整版本: 二萬元身價美國圈鐵耳機 – Empire Ears X Series 速試

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