ip_csl 發表於 2018-4-7 17:11

YingShao@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 16:51
Wow,你M17买好啦!我5月底6月初会去HK出差,也考虑预定一条,到时自己去取货。frank那里等太久,而且回 ...


YingShao@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 18:26

ip_csl 發表於 2018-4-7 17:11
我條是訂的,不會有現貨,但英國本土都無存貨,想再訂都無,店員說最快ㄧ個半月後才返到貨. ...

对的,CM cable也要预定的,昨天我问了,4周。GW24,11500HKD,我要古河镀铑再加500,1.2万。也不比frank贵多少。最主要沟通顺利,不用一封email等N久没回复。

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 21:08

EddieHsueh@FB 發表於 2018-4-5 21:23
Hi ChiHang,

Please find the blue color attached, hope can answer your questions. :)

Hi Eddie and everyone

So if I go for the 4.4 plug and use a 4.4 to 3.5 adapter.
The one you mentioned from your reply with copper cable . Would it effect the sound for the Medusa 17? Or can you tell me how much it would effect the sound? I guess the sound can’t be the same compare to without using this copper cable 4.4 3.5 adapter right?

Can you tell me what you think about the adapter without cable in between? Something like this one?

Thank you

ip_csl 發表於 2018-4-7 21:23

本帖最後由 ip_csl 於 2018-4-7 21:26 編輯

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 21:08
Hi Eddie and everyone


ip_csl 發表於 2018-4-7 21:29

YingShao@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 18:26
对的,CM cable也要预定的,昨天我问了,4周。GW24,11500HKD,我要古河镀铑再加500,1.2万。也不比frank ...


patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-7 21:40

ip_csl 發表於 2018-4-7 16:11

I agree with that

EddieHsueh@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:36

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 21:08
Hi Eddie and everyone

Hi ChiHang,

Yes, if with the copper cable, it should affect sound, but how muchI can't tell, with cable is easily for portable, otherwise with only adaptor
will be too long when you plug it, hard to use outside.

If you only use it at home, it should be OK to use onlyan adaptor, but sometime with cable is also not bad,

give you an example, when I give people to AB test my 3 adaptor

1. plated Rh2. plated gold 3. with 1960s 4 wire cable

People think can't tell the difference of 1 and 2 but think 3 sounds better.



EddieHsueh@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:38

wkk0504 發表於 2018-4-7 02:00
我自己喜歡用1960s 聽人聲女毒, ballade
Venom 用來聽rock, aco ...

而毒液就拿來聽一些比較有氣勢大編制的音樂 背景極黑

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:57

EddieHsueh@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:36
Hi ChiHang,

Yes, if with the copper cable, it should affect sound, but how muchI can't tell, wi ...

Ok.....thanks for answer

Maybe I need to think about just order the m17 with 3.5 plug for now

I listen to a lot of post rock music recently . I think the m17 goes well this this type of music with great sound stage and insane details on all instruments.
How do you compare the venom cable with the m17? Are they similar sounding cable? I heard the m17 but never got a chance to try the venom.

I’m ok if you want to answer in Chinese too. Just my typing in Chinese is very bad that’s why I type in English .

Thank you

EddieHsueh@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:59

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-7 22:57
Ok.....thanks for answer

Maybe I need to think about just order the m17 with 3.5 plug for now

Yes Chinese typing is easier for me to explain.

打中文就對啦 哇哈哈
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