patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-14 18:45

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-14 08:21
小弟的Venom終於到手了,耳掛位舒服了很多……星期五把wm1z mod收回來就完成了 ...

Wm1z mod with venom and legend X

choisan 發表於 2018-3-14 19:41

mod from SGP? any detail of what been "mod"?

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-14 20:22

choisan 發表於 2018-3-14 19:41
mod from SGP? any detail of what been "mod"?

Yes mod from SGP MS, they change all the internal wires inside

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-14 20:30

choisan 發表於 2018-3-14 19:41
mod from SGP? any detail of what been "mod"?

Below are the details for what they "mod" inside...

The WM1Z mod with 1960s wiring have the following included:
1. Brand new Pentaconn 4.4mm socket (to ensure that solder used on the socket is fresh, and not contaminated by existing solder)
2. 1960s wiring mod for both single ended and balanced outputs
3. Exotic Mitsubishi Heavy Industries precious metal (not gold) based solder used for all solder joints, existing solder will be cleaned off prior to soldering with the precious metal based solder.
4. 1960s wire for the DC ground wiring
5. Isolation of inductor coils and capacitors with shielding products from Japan (Oyaide and fo.Q)

Tiers and pricing structure (prices includes free DHL/FedEx shipping to customer)

2-wire: (single 1960s wire for DC ground section)

4-wire: (dual 1960s wire for DC ground section)

4-wire single ended, 8-wire balanced: (dual 1960s wire for DC ground section)

wkk0504 發表於 2018-3-18 00:58

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-14 08:21
小弟的Venom終於到手了,耳掛位舒服了很多……星期五把wm1z mod收回來就完成了 ...


patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-18 08:13

wkk0504 發表於 2018-3-18 00:58

因為之前MS個Engineer有urgent issue delay咗……我等咗個半星期……正常應該一個星期左右

kinagiyuki 發表於 2018-3-18 09:40

係用佢地既Copper、Silver Plated Copper同Gold Plated Copper混合編織而成

ip_csl 發表於 2018-3-18 10:11

kinagiyuki 發表於 2018-3-18 09:40
係用佢地既Copper、Silver Plated Copper同Gold Plated Copper ...

$1099.99US$,build time is 8 weeks

Smdy 發表於 2018-3-18 10:47

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-18 08:13
因為之前MS個Engineer有urgent issue delay咗……我等咗個半星期……正常應該一個星期左右 ...


patrick@wong 發表於 2018-3-18 11:21

Smdy 發表於 2018-3-18 10:47

可以睇返below link have price...but if u change options price will be different, u can contact MS directly
頁: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [36] 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
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