hoikei 發表於 2018-5-6 13:49


ysl 發表於 2018-5-6 13:53

pallin 發表於 2018-5-5 23:57
Yes. One from amazon , one from Massdrop

I was late to buy from massdrop.
Is everything ok??

小小Pat 發表於 2018-5-6 14:15

hoikei 發表於 2018-5-6 13:49


pallin 發表於 2018-5-6 17:27

本帖最後由 pallin 於 2018-5-6 18:58 編輯

ysl 發表於 2018-5-6 13:53
I was late to buy from massdrop.
Is everything ok??

It runs pretty good, that’s my second x800 and it work without a problem. I know it can’t play ISO or BDMV (directly), cannnot show more than 8 subtitle when playing files and the setting was pretty simple, but I can play 4K files very smooth even by WiFi, play hk region in Blu-ray and UHD, and the quality lot better than Chinese media player, so I’m quite satisfy at this moment even though it won’t support Dolby Vision

ysl 發表於 2018-5-6 17:36

pallin 發表於 2018-5-6 17:27
It runs pretty good, that’s my second x800 and it’s work without a problem. I know it can’t pla ...

Oh, I am glad to hear that from you. Would you please test the playing of 3 D blu-ray.

issachar 發表於 2018-5-6 21:30

睇完呢個 post 都攪到我忍唔到手0係 amazon 落左 order, 順便買幾隻 BD 睇下

貓神 發表於 2018-5-6 23:31

本帖最後由 貓神 於 2018-5-6 23:59 編輯


pallin 發表於 2018-5-7 00:09

ysl 發表於 2018-5-6 17:36
Oh, I am glad to hear that from you. Would you please test the playing of 3 D blu-ray.

Sorry can’t help you, I don’t have 3D TV or projector, let see if other Ching could help

wmmokk 發表於 2018-5-7 11:52

本帖最後由 wmmokk 於 2018-5-7 11:54 編輯

貓神 發表於 2018-5-6 23:31
各位師兄請問係日本買唔買島80或800或900,會唔會平過美國訂返來,另外須要配隻什麼火牛來用,可唔可以手提 ...

平時都係美國買平 , 未計間唔中出現既百幾蚊美金價.

美版可以直接插 (除非Sony改左parts)

ysl 發表於 2018-5-7 15:52

pallin 發表於 2018-5-7 00:09
Sorry can’t help you, I don’t have 3D TV or projector, let see if other Ching could help

Thanks anyway.
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查看完整版本: 平靚正的 Sony ubp-X800

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