mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-30 12:05

nice interior ching...
can make a good setup of your AV system

tomboy 發表於 2009-11-30 12:33


發表於 2009-11-30 13:04

師兄好正既第一套呀, 黑白AV組合感覺好舒服有品味. 恭喜哂呀. 好既開始係成功既一半, 第二套, 第三套, 轆逐有黎呀.

同埋, 歡迎加入76 Velo十仔用家既行列, 有時間報到下呀:


coolpan 發表於 2009-11-30 13:12


cocoduck2046 發表於 2009-11-30 13:20

Yes ,. Long dinning room for AV .,, That's why I choose that ,,,
I am poisoned by this site and many Ching so I spend more than I expect in this first AV system ,,,,, I guess ,, I will upgrade ,, upgrade and upgrade if i still have money later on......... what's a poison site here ... hehe !

發表於 2009-11-30 13:28

Yes ,. Long dinning room for AV .,, That's why I choose that ,,,
I am poisoned by this site and many Ching so I spend more than I expect in this first AV system ,,,,, I guess ,, I will upgrade ,, upg ...
cocoduck2046 發表於 2009-11-30 13:20 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
C-hing, that is very important and glad that you know so well what you are doing. Things will be just fine. So, enjoy, enjoy, and enjoy................

radhk 發表於 2009-11-30 13:29

間屋好正, 好舒服.

elvisoph 發表於 2009-11-30 13:51

a nice house!!

pepsiman 發表於 2009-11-30 14:07



ricoy288 發表於 2009-11-30 14:31

師兄間屋真係好靚, 個廳好似左右兩邊都有窗,唔知係唔係呢, 夠晒光猛通爽.
d AV 野都放得好好, 唔知你屋企個圖則係點既呢?
頁: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
查看完整版本: 人生第一套AV組合+New AMP : Change to Samsung 65" Curve TV + Denon...

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