cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-3 22:31

回復 105# plnl88

    the headphone bass and subwoofer bass is totally different thing ....
I can't say Sony 7.1 headphone can be the substitutes when I can not turn the AMP and the speakers to watch moive at night,,,

plnl88 發表於 2010-9-3 22:52


    the headphone bass and subwoofer bass is totally different thing ....
I can't s ...
cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-3 22:31
Thanks C Hing for your prompt reply.
I understand that there is no match between headphone and sub woofer.
However, I wouid like to know if the bass of the sony 5.1 headphone is a OK or not.
BTW, how much is the headphone?
Sorry troubles again, C Hing.

cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-4 01:32

回復 107# plnl88

    You better try Pioneer, the bass is better .. around 3xxx
The bass for sony 7100 ... is just ok ,,, price around $2400

plnl88 發表於 2010-9-4 01:53


    You better try Pioneer, the bass is better .. around 3xxx
The bass for sony 7100 ...
cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-4 01:32
Thanks C Hing for your kind advice.
I heard Pioneer is better as well.
But just don't know if it was worth to spend that $3300 for a headphone.
C Hing tried the Pioneer model before? {:6_162:}

cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-4 07:31

回復 109# plnl88

    No ar ,,, but the Comment from those forums are positive to this model of pioneer

sixwonsix 發表於 2010-9-7 00:45

Hello cHing,
Your XQ40 & XQ50c is so stylish, could you pm me where you get it & how much?
Many Thanks!

yjfnog 發表於 2010-9-7 03:17


cosworth01hk 發表於 2010-9-7 18:15

My dream house !!!

sixwonsix 發表於 2010-9-7 23:21

Nice price!! I wish I had bought them last year. Now KEF price is too crazy....

kitsiu81 發表於 2010-9-20 21:13


    No ar ,,, but the Comment from those forums are positive to this model of pionee ...
cocoduck2046 發表於 2010-9-4 07:31

    hi ching, I'm looking for a headphone, as u said pioneer is better than Sony, can u pls advise me a model of Pioneer? also, do u know where can try in HK? thanks!!
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