有冇師兄知道香港那裡可以試聽金菊花? 之前去過jaben試{:1_340:} 師兄, 聽完會吾會講下聽感? Abyss 都出咗: Abyss, we asked Lotoo to make the PAW Gold zero to one hundred volume control to go to 135.
Also comes with 256 GB storage, and many high rez sample tracks preloaded, including DSD studio masters.
It's a damn good sounding portable headphone player/amp, and can run as a desktop continuously on it's AC power supply. Pretty cool! New Diana® Edition is fine tuned for more demanding high-end headphones such as Abyss.
@多左個EQ玩? Jaben隻金菊唔好声,不能作準。另外今日星期先有鈦菊。Diana有排等 nikfung 發表於 2016-10-18 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif
即系唔使上去試住....{:1_332:} 直接冲....
Nikfung 師兄,請問正常金菊音質與它的售價是否匹配?小弟现有ak380copper十amp,未知再買花菊是否多餘? Diana好似系改左firmware, hgain多6db....