蜜汁叉燒 發表於 2017-1-6 14:55

nec_c616 發表於 2017-1-6 11:09 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-1-7 15:49

cyrusgenki 發表於 2017-1-6 02:39 static/image/common/back.gif
想請問下各位師兄,你地用AK AMP時,角位粒鑼絲係咪會好似我張相咁上唔盡?會唔會同380貼左背貼有關? ...

咿.....角位粒鑼絲仲有位淨嘅?......師兄你扭唔入架喇? {:6_141:}

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-1-7 15:50

cyrusgenki 發表於 2017-1-6 02:39 static/image/common/back.gif
想請問下各位師兄,你地用AK AMP時,角位粒鑼絲係咪會好似我張相咁上唔盡?會唔會同380貼左背貼有關? ...


cyrusgenki 發表於 2017-1-7 22:54

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-1-7 15:49 static/image/common/back.gif


vicentk 發表於 2017-1-8 15:11


edgarcpu 發表於 2017-1-11 18:31

Old wine , new bottle

vicentk 發表於 2017-1-12 00:11

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-1-11 18:31 static/image/common/back.gif
Old wine , new bottle

{:6_193:}聽感如何 ?

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-1-12 07:20

Just the first impression without AB testing with Andromeda yet.
the cable is different from the original that I use, so it may be sound different from what I original used, so give me time for more detail testing.
right now, vocal is more up front, bass has increase a little, detail remain, sound stage is narrower than original. and it fit better than my K10CM. I feel good about it, may be because it is a new toys! {:6_143:}

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-1-12 21:55

vicentk 發表於 2017-1-12 00:11 static/image/common/back.gif
聽感如何 ?

how is your VE6, is it arrive yet?

vicentk 發表於 2017-1-12 23:53

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-1-12 07:20 static/image/common/back.gif
Just the first impression without AB testing with Andromeda yet.
the cable is different from the ori ...


我對 VE,我今日問過香的港代理,佢覆下星期或下下星期,照佢咁覆好大機會農歷新年前到。
頁: 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 [77] 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
查看完整版本: 由AK320入坑.....再入SP1000解毒

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