發表於 2009-11-18 15:40
Sometimes, output means nothing!! Speaker is another consideration when matching with your integrated amp. Sometimes, a pair of bookshelf speaker is more power hunger than a pair of floorstanding spea ...
7500martin 發表於 2009-11-18 15:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks Martin hing's advice....
My initial plan is to buy int amp to improve playing music from my AV amp... And I do not want to spend too much on that...
Thats why I wanna know what is the minimum charge I should spend to buy an int amp for a fairly acceptable level for playing music....
Of course I will have my new AV amp run in for a while first, if after run in, I still do not accept, I may consider to buy an int amp...
So I just want to have some opinion from post76 chings before I really go to test & listen...
發表於 2009-11-18 16:11
Thanks Martin hing's advice....
My initial plan is to buy int amp to improve playing music from my AV amp... And I do not want to spend too much on that...
Thats why I wanna know what is the minimu ...
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-18 15:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Just like other guys say!! Different guy will have different judgement std. I meet a guy who tell me that those setup below HKD250K is considered to be unaceptable level!! Of course!! I don't agree what he say. We judge the setup based on the sound, not the price. Therefore, u are better to let us yr budget first!! I can tell u that the world of two channel is crazy!! An integrated amp can cost u several thousands dolloars (such as Creek, Tangent, NAD .......) to several ten thousands dollars (Dartzeel, Boulder, ........)
By the way, don't put too much emphasis on amp only. Speaker is another consideration. Let's take MK as an example. Certainly, it's a good speaker for AV, but not for music. A pair of 3k Mordaunt Shot bookshelf can do much much better than low price MK speaker if u just want to listen music!!
發表於 2009-11-18 18:42
本帖最後由 claero 於 2009-11-18 18:46 編輯
PS: 其實某d高階AV擴音機, 唔差過d低階合併機幾多...
honestly ....i really don't know which av amp can play good music ? except krell ,theta, ,cary or mcintosh those very high end bands. no offence{:6_146:}
for my own experience , the higher grade av amp can win to have more power to push speaker , but the quality and the musical feeling still can't win stereo ,for example cambridge low grade amp already very musical comapre to japnese av amp .
發表於 2009-11-18 20:14
Einstein hing,
But based on the spec from int amp, the output is just around 60-100W per channel.... is it already enough to push the floorstanding speakers??
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-18 12:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
兩者計算watt 公式不同....不是1:1
發表於 2009-11-18 22:19
"for example cambridge low grade amp already very musical comapre to japnese av amp "
絕對贊成 因為我將2者比較過 始終CA(我部CHEAP AMP)贏部ONKYO幾條街
發表於 2009-11-18 23:35
其實AV AMP 同2聲道真的冇得比先不要講價錢 你可去D SET得好SHOWROOM聽吓
你會聽多好多细節野及定位明確 AV AMP只是製造大動態及方向感
發表於 2009-11-18 23:51
If u want to find a AV Amp which can provide good Movie and Music performance, u may need to consider those American made high price AV Amp, such as Lexicon.
There is no perfect. If u want to have good (not perfect), it means that u need to spend huge! Therefore, u are better to learn "compromise".
發表於 2009-11-19 00:28
mightyatoms ching, just share my feeling when I seeking around..
I tried Rotel intergated amp at only 60watt x 2chto push CM7 in B&W showroom, which is far more better than Onkyo 707, 807,1007and my SR6004with CM7 . 音樂層次感好出,分析力比AV amp强,60 watt 都好好力,個volume ling左唔夠1/4....果種feel AV amp比唔倒...我聽到耳油都bit左出呢{:6_122:},就咁..我都plan買完AV再買INt...
我都問左B&W個 manager點解,佢既解釋同以上好多ching講大至一樣,所以improve聽歌呢part一定加int amp,別無他選,除非你玩埋前後級,分埋家啦{:6_222:}{:6_176:}
發表於 2009-11-19 00:36
ching, I suggest u go to B&W showroom play play first~coz u using 683, try with their 2 ch see how it feel~~ B&W 6xx series design is for AV more. U better try in showroom first.
發表於 2009-11-19 00:42
係,所以我幾年前入AV AMP時,當時果部用左差不多8年(現在差不多12-13年)既int amp都要keep住.