發表於 2016-8-24 12:44
dtmctmL 發表於 2016-8-23 12:17 static/image/common/back.gif
xianglan兄,4K should be 3840 x 2160, 沒有2080的
發表於 2016-8-24 17:02
xianglan 發表於 2016-8-24 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2016-8-24 17:03
本帖最後由 aeechris 於 2016-8-24 17:09 編輯
淘x就有得買, 我給你的link就是淘x,我自已在用, 暫時一切正常, 致於我的電視打過去shaxp,問他們是否有升級, 我在日本shaxp網上是可以更換pcb就變成hdcp 2.2 及hdr都會support,但香港就說無計劃升級,未來亦不會, 吹到眼都大埋
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2016-8-24 17:47
aeechris 發表於 2016-8-24 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif
淘x就有得買, 我給你的link就是淘x,我自已在用, 暫時一切正常, 致於我的電視打過去shaxp,問他們是否 ...
發表於 2016-8-24 20:33
aeechris 發表於 2016-8-24 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif
淘x就有得買, 我給你的link就是淘x,我自已在用, 暫時一切正常, 致於我的電視打過去shaxp,問他們是否 ...
發表於 2016-8-25 11:48
aeechris 發表於 2016-8-24 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif
淘x就有得買, 我給你的link就是淘x,我自已在用, 暫時一切正常, 致於我的電視打過去shaxp,問他們是否 ...
早上已訂,希望能用。只因就算放機,對方也要求能播 4k player 片才買! {:1_331:}
發表於 2016-8-25 11:49
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2016-8-25 11:57 編輯
YYSKY 發表於 2016-8-24 20:33 static/image/common/back.gif
This will never work for this particular case.Old TV specs never included HDCP 2.2 in the first place.Manufacturers can easily prove their old TV, even without HDCP 2.2, does support 4K by using one of the many boxes that output 4K without HDCP 2.2.
One may blame the TV manufacturers for not supporting future standard, in the same way that people buy old AV Amp and not getting DTS:X upgrade.I'd blame the companies who create the 4K UHD Blu-ray instead (although some of those companies may also be the same TV manufacturers).It is not the first time they do something to harm consumers.Originally Blu-ray could output to component 1080p, but after a certain time this was restricted, and users were forced to have HDMI input with HDCP support in order to enjoy 1080p.
發表於 2016-8-25 15:29
我相信大家都係對 4K 制式一知半解......HDMI 2.2a, HEVC, VP9, HDR
要睇到真4K畫面, 而不是"倍線"谷出來之畫面.
首先, 部藍光碟機係可讀 4K碟之最新 Model....我知嘅係, Suamgsung, Panasonic 同 Philips
第二, 部電視之 HDMI port 係 support HDMI 2.0 或以上, 呢個 port 係 2014年之後出嘅機才有, 因為只有 HDMI 2.0或以上版本才支援4K H.265 之內容保護協定HDCP.
第三, HDMI 線, 目標廣泛使用之 1.4a HDMI 線是可以傳送 HDMI2.0 或以上之內容, 但一定要係 High Speed 功能
第四, 嚴格來講只有2016上市之最新型號才會支援 HDR 及 HEVC. 因為這兩種4K內容必備之格式及feature, 都係2015, 九月後才被確立. 工廠根本來不及在2015年內調整, 我的電視, 便是其一個受害者!!!
第五, 上網睇4K內容, 你的電視必須具備 VP9 解碼. 如果冇, 會自動跌番落去 FULL HD.....
講咗咁耐, 好易分自己早期買落之4K電視係唔係堅睇到 UHD.....
若果部機係 2013或之前.....拜拜
若果部機係2014-15, 恭喜你, 你有機會睇到, 但要check 真啲 SPEC.....
就算睇到, 都唔會有 HDR.....
記住, UHD 係以 HEVC格式 H.265 經 HDMI 2.0或以上傳送. 電視冇HDMI 2.0或以上呢樣野. 係睇唔到的.
發表於 2016-8-25 15:50
本帖最後由 wklie 於 2016-8-25 17:44 編輯
Post #1 is about connecting UB900 UHD Blu-ray player to an old 4K TV.
UB900 decodes HEVC for UHD Blu-ray, so the TV does not need to decode HEVC.The TV needs to support HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.2 for 4K.If the TV only has pre-2.2 HDCP, the UHD Blu-ray player will downgrade the signal to 1080p.If the TV supports HDR, that can be presented as well but is not mandatory.
Generally, 2015 TV with HDCP 2.2 (without HDR) can play UHD Blu-ray in 4K (SDR).
HEVC and VP9 decoding within the TV are useful for playback from Internet such as YouTube 4K and Netflix 4K, and file playback from USB storage devices.HEVC and VP9 decoding are not required in the TV for connection to a UHD Blu-ray player.
In addition to the aforementioned players, XBox One S (US$299-399) can also play UHD Blu-ray, but it cannot bitstream Atmos, DTS:X, etc.
發表於 2016-8-26 22:37
aeechris 發表於 2016-8-24 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif
淘x就有得買, 我給你的link就是淘x,我自已在用, 暫時一切正常, 致於我的電視打過去shaxp,問他們是否 ...
Hi, Aeechris 師兄 :
已收到 LM-MDCP01,依圖示以HDMI 由4K PLAYER 入2.2 位,1.4 位插至4K 電視,結果失敗 ! {:1_342:} 不曉得甚麼原因 ?