WOW 發表於 2016-6-21 23:35

Alex An 's facebook 轉載 :

today i have received tons of messages regarding AK70 and AKT8iE MkII. It seems most of you have similar questions so let me answer FAQ as below :

Q : which DAC is used for AK70?
A : CS4398 single DAC which is the same as AK100ii.

Q : it has same spec as AK100ii. recycling AK100ii form factor?
A : Nothing is the same between these two models. AK70 is totally new developed model and you can easily understand by comparing their audio performance in our website.

Q : AK300 vs. AK70 which one sound better?
A : they use different DAC which means they have different sound signature. So it has no meaning comparing their sound quality. You should listen to find better one for you.

Q : so which one should i buy between AK300 and AK70.
A : AK300 has bigger screen and you can use AK380AMP and AK Recorder. Also it supports Parametric EQ and equipped with Femto Clock. So technically AK300 is more advanced model than AK70. But AK70 has more powerful output, lighter&compact size as well as lower price. So the choice is yours. But i highly recommend that you should test and listen them and check which sound signature fits to you first.

Q : USB audio is very good. you copy other brands?
A : USB audio is not new feature. We just apply this feature by the demand of our users. and i don't know who copy whom.. you should think who is the pioneer of portable hi-fi. And dual DAC, DSD playback, Native DSD, Balance out etc..

Q : why not USB audio for AK2XX and AK3XX?
A : AK2XX and AK3XX series will be supported this feature by F/W up-dating.

Q : When?
A : Hard to say exact date, but not that too long.

Q : AK70 can use AK Ripper?
A : Yes you can use AK Ripper to rip the CD.

Q : it has bundle leather case?
A : No it do not have bundle leather case in the gift box.

Q : When its accessory case available.
A : within couple of weeks after we launch AK70.

Q : AKT8iE and AKT8iE Mk2, which one sound better?
A : not much different of sound signature between two models, but MkII has improved durability and adopt better cable. So we can say MkII has better sound quality. But if you use another high-end cable, you may not feel the sound difference.

Q : AKT8iE MkII price is same?
A : Yes its price is the same as previous version.

Q : Durability improved?
A : all clear!

Q : why you always use Crystal cable in your photo?
A : because this is what i actually use and i cannot find better cable for t8ie. not just this is our cable, but actually it has good matching.

Thank you!

dezispop 發表於 2016-6-21 23:58

期待usb駁chord hugo表現{:6_183:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-22 00:01

在另一討論區 , 有師兄話 AK70 可用 MOOV .

ph0381 發表於 2016-6-22 00:33

唔打算玩ak amp,搏其他dac/amp又方便左

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-22 01:40

我反而關心佢對 AKT8iE Mk2 多啲 , 第一代 , 壞貨多到唔敢試 .

今次睇下 D 勇士報告先 , 再入手 {:1_343:}

az0zz9 發表於 2016-6-22 10:36

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-22 00:01 static/image/common/back.gif
在另一討論區 , 有師兄話 AK70 可用 MOOV .

係咪真架{:1_329:} 如果係就幾吸引

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-22 12:40

Some specs from their FB page -

- 2.5mm balanced out (also 3.5mm line & optical out)

- 64GB internal memory + 1 microSD slot

- DLNA based AK connect App (Wi-Fi)

- USB Audio digital out (Dop 2.8/5.6MHz, PCM Max 384 kHz)

- 29% lighter, 17% smaller, 1.9mm thinner compare to AK100ii

- Powerful, more than ever! (2.3Vrms output level which is 35% higher than AK100ii and same as AK380)

- No bundle case, but three different color accessory case available.

- US$599

- available in July 2016

fun100 發表於 2016-6-22 20:46

請問 AK 產品, 韓中港台日 五地通常係同步上架發售? 定偏向有先後之分? Thanks!

WallerHomie 發表於 2016-6-23 13:58

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-22 12:40
Some specs from their FB page -

- 2.5mm balanced out (also 3.5mm line & optical out)

冇Optical Out?

大食怪 發表於 2016-6-23 17:25

WallerHomie 發表於 2016-6-23 13:58 static/image/common/back.gif
冇Optical Out?

師兄 有 Optical out , 3.5 line out但好似無 2.5 line out
頁: 1 [2] 3 4
查看完整版本: AK 新品是 AK70 有說是平版 240,usd 599?

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