frankiepoon 發表於 2016-6-18 00:09

本帖最後由 frankiepoon 於 2016-6-18 00:13 編輯

XPR 發表於 2016-6-17 13:12 static/image/common/back.gif
如果可以 software update 解決到就唔係問題啦

其實仲有3D唔足線問題, 不過review話唔影響畫質, 以前LG UB8500都試過, 後期firmware update解決左{:1_336:}
As stated in our unboxing/ first impressions video, the 55-inch LG E6V did not pass full HD 3D resolution – the TV failed to fully resolve the 1920 alternating black-and-white single-pixel lines in our custom-authored test pattern. If you have access to a 2D single-pixel resolution pattern (for example in the excellent AVSHD 709 disc), you can test this and see it for yourself. Play the pattern and enable 2D-to-3D conversion on the 55E6V: the 1080 horizontal lines should remain intact, but the television is doing something strange when displaying the 1920 vertical lines. We experimented with , , and other 3D-related settings in an attempt to restore full HD 3D resolution but to no avail.

The good news is, this 3D resolution limitation didn’t seem to manifest itself in real-life content. We threw a bunch of 3D Blu-rays (including our go-to Tangled and Pacific Rim) at the OLED55E6, and they all looked highly detailed.

deeboy 發表於 2016-6-18 07:15

samuel8892000 發表於 2016-6-17 23:15 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

sales話C6P 同 92OO 比較, 唔係用965O

deeboy 發表於 2016-6-18 07:18

frankiepoon 發表於 2016-6-18 00:06 static/image/common/back.gif
百記個sales播同一段HDR Demo片俾我睇, 之後show埋settings, 應該冇做手腳
聽日我拎自己d 日本 ...


frankiepoon 發表於 2016-6-18 15:22

deeboy 發表於 2016-6-18 07:18 static/image/common/back.gif

今日唔得閒, 下星期先{:1_352:}

hakuryo 發表於 2016-6-20 12:31

本帖最後由 hakuryo 於 2016-6-20 12:33 編輯

deeboy 發表於 2016-6-18 07:15 static/image/common/back.gif
sales話C6P 同 92OO 比較, 唔係用965O


hakuryo 發表於 2016-6-20 12:34


deeboy 發表於 2016-6-20 16:04

hakuryo 發表於 2016-6-20 12:31 static/image/common/back.gif

Sales話Doley Vision好少幾會用到, 係少數外國d電視劇先用到.

HDR就無講, 總之就話差唔多spec但平萬多{:1_336:}

kuushun 發表於 2016-6-20 18:08


tony1124w 發表於 2016-6-20 21:50

本帖最後由 tony1124w 於 2016-6-20 22:33 編輯

frankiepoon 發表於 2016-6-18 00:06 static/image/common/back.gif
百記個sales播同一段HDR Demo片俾我睇, 之後show埋settings, 應該冇做手腳
聽日我拎自己d 日本 ...

我去百記睇過同一段HDR DEMO,9200 同新機OLED55C6P比較,新機正好多,尤其播動態時.

hakuryo 發表於 2016-6-21 23:52

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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