billymud 發表於 2016-4-17 14:06

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 12:00 static/image/common/back.gif
我已經試過, 係無電比轉嗰個麼打。請問邊度出問題多? 謝謝!

anyway, u may like to get a service manual for DIY ref.Good luck !{:1_352:}

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 15:05

本帖最後由 go2shing 於 2016-4-24 14:09 編輯

噢, 開機後15分鐘度電壓, 5V, 12V, 8V 正常

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 15:07

請教如果整唔到轉盤部份, 可否將解碼部份攞出嚟用? 有無經驗可以分享吓? 謝謝!

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 19:10

再想請教, 如果eject後再close門, 使唔使要有碟先識轉? 如果無放碟會唔會轉? 有無可能個頭讀唔到當無碟所以唔轉? 另外雷射頭係咪靠反射接收讀取數據, 會唔會因震動再令個頭或反射咩咗, 而令讀唔到當無碟所以唔轉。

billymud 發表於 2016-4-18 01:11

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2016-4-18 02:46 編輯

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif
再想請教, 如果eject後再close門, 使唔使要有碟先識轉? 如果無放碟會唔會轉? 有無可能個頭讀唔到當無碟所以 ...

1. without a Disc on the tray, eject/Open後再close門, shall be 有碟先轉 a few second then stop --> "no disc"
2. with 碟, 會轉 for about 10 seconds, then TOC shows up normally.   perhaps, 有可能個頭讀唔到, 所以just 轉 a few seconds then "no disc".
3. 另外雷射頭係靠反射接收讀取數據, the moving coil (of the head unit) 會 automatically calibrate the LEN ( to compensate the focus deviation due to 震動) for proper readings.   it's unlikely 個頭could be 反射咩咗, as it's an integrated unit.don't forget u've just replaced with a brand new laser PICKUP unit.

4. hv u check the SLED switch ? spindle and reading couldn't be started if the SLED switch is out of order.
relocate the pickup unit far fm spindle (ctr of CD disc), power on, observe & check.
under normal condition, voltages shall be existed at sp+ and sp- terminals.variable voltages shall be measured along (disc) tracks readings.

billymud 發表於 2016-4-18 02:16

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-17 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif
請教如果整唔到轉盤部份, 可否將解碼部份攞出嚟用? 有無經驗可以分享吓? 謝謝! ...

it's more difficult to do that kind of customization/mod.u need to add in digital input and clock sections.

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-18 08:27

唔該Billy師兄, 有check SLED 個微動制, 正常。如果個雷射頭新換完聽幾次跟住放係度會唔會壞, 我睇返張維修單都已經3年前。

billymud 發表於 2016-4-18 14:47

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2016-4-18 14:50 編輯

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-18 08:27 static/image/common/back.gif
唔該Billy師兄, 有check SLED 個微動制, 正常。如果個雷射頭新換完聽幾次跟住放係度會唔會壞, 我睇返張維修 ...

如果個雷射頭新換完聽幾次跟住放係度for years without packaging (e.g. to avoid humidity & dust ), the LEN ofmay be contaminated.That's not a real "壞" (fatal error) but resulting "no disc" due to reading error (i.e. not a spindle problem).
clean the LEN for recovery, at ur wish.

by the way, heavy dust on the rail may also cause "no reading" at startup.   

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-19 16:01

好, 唔該Billy師兄, 我再試下。 謝謝!

go2shing 發表於 2016-4-23 17:46

本帖最後由 go2shing 於 2016-4-24 14:11 編輯

洗咗頭, 依家讀到識轉。但有D碟讀到有D碟讀唔到。上次就咁用contact cleaner 噴係唔得, 今次用火酒棉花棍直接洗頭就ok。即係話我換頭個次都可能係洗頭洗得唔好, 都係就咁噴contact cleaner, 雙輸。
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查看完整版本: Marantz SA8260-no disc

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