webuy 發表於 2016-11-18 20:28


JanHoJan 發表於 2016-11-19 04:42

想請教下喺play store裝嘅app可唔可以直接寫data入micro sd card?

ozrayyau 發表於 2016-11-19 05:40

webuy 發表於 2016-11-18 20:28 static/image/common/back.gif

QA360 係公認好聲但樣衰加少功能嘅機, 再加靚耳擴後, 冇乜邊架可以 ko 佢。

webuy 發表於 2016-11-19 13:50

ozrayyau 發表於 2016-11-19 05:40 static/image/common/back.gif
QA360 係公認好聲但樣衰加少功能嘅機, 再加靚耳擴後, 冇乜邊架可以 ko 佢。


taifong 發表於 2016-11-20 22:40

webuy 發表於 2016-11-18 20:22 static/image/common/back.gif
請問Cayin i5高CP嗎? 可以拼其他6000元既DAP嗎?好過LG 10嗎?

lg v20 比較相差有多少?

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-12-27 09:57

Cayin i5 播放器很榮幸地獲得美國 Headphone.Guru 頒授
2016 DAP of the Year 獎項。

我們會繼續支援和改善 i5 播放器,務求令 i5 的用戶能隨時隨地也能享受最好的音樂。

With portable audio reaching epic prices it is astounding to see a low cost DAP that does everything so well. Employing the same DAC chip as some of the most expensive offerings, the Cayin i5 is able to decode almost every file format in current use including SACD ISO files, while its three separate amplification stages give it enough power to drive almost any headphone (the strongest portable device I have heard). Wifi capability and Android 4.4 mean full streaming audio support for those who can’t fit their whole collection on a single 200GB Micro SD Card and a simple elegant touch screen GUI makes for a user friendly experience. Need a portable USB DAC, look no further or the Cayin i5 can also act as source via dedicated line out, SPDIF or USB C. And none of this comes at a cost to build quality, looking sexy and stylish in its Aluminum and Carbon Fiber chassis. The Cayin i5 is plainly the best value in a DAP wining it the 2016 DAP of the Year award.
Headphone.Guru 2016 Writers Choice and Product of the Year Awards

網站評測報告:Cayin i5 Digital Audio Player (Reviewed by Gary Barker)

RMAF 展會報告:CanJam at RMAF: A Magical Weekend: Part 2 (by Peter Pialis)

terencelaw 發表於 2016-12-27 13:02

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-12-27 09:57 static/image/common/back.gif
Cayin i5 播放器很榮幸地獲得美國 Headphone.Guru 頒授
2016 DAP of the Year 獎項。

实致名归 !

几时有 双 chips+2.5mm 的 i5 2代?

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-12-28 00:33

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2016-12-28 00:35 編輯

terencelaw 發表於 2016-12-27 13:02 static/image/common/back.gif
实致名归 !

几时有 双 chips+2.5mm 的 i5 2代?

多謝支持 Cayin i5 DAP. {:1_351:}

Cayin 的產品周期較長,起碼 24 個月才會二代喎!

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-12-30 23:42

Cayin i5 播放器很榮幸地獲得人氣網站 HEADFONICS.COM 頒授
Best Digital Audio Player 2016 獎項

我們感謝 HeadFonic 對 Cayin 的長期支持,並會努力支援和改善 i5 播放器。能夠一口氣拿下兩個外國人氣網站的年度大獎,Cayin 要感謝所有 i5 用家的支持和認同,前期望未來數年拒投放更多資源開發 Headfi 類別產品和維持現有產品的持續改善。

以下是 HeadFonics 在頒發年度播放器大獎給 Cayin 時對我們的評語:

This was a close run thing with the Questyle QP1R which had the same score but we felt the more modern design and features on the i5 plus the more competitive price point gave the i5 an edge. It is simply more involving and more in tune with modern on the go audiophile demands.

I can honestly say for $499 this is probably the best all round DAP in the market today. It is also a thoroughly modern DAP with a rock solid touch sensitive Android platform and a very likable UI in partnership with HiBy Music. Connectivity is everywhere from WiFI to BT, from DropBox to LAN and from Spotify to Google Play. There is plenty of room for expansion locally also with up to 200Gb microSD, OTG for even more and 32GB onboard.

This is an ambitious project and Cayin has pulled it off in my opinion. It could so easily have fallen into a cul de sac of bugs and afterthoughts (think DX100) but just about every angle is covered. It feels mature and even though technically the N6 is still the flagship it will be the i5 that gets the popular vote and the attention.

Headfonics: Our Top Gear For 2016

評測原文 The i5 DAP By Cayin

terencelaw 發表於 2016-12-31 09:18

好事成双 ! {:6_195:} {:6_196:} {:6_195:} {:6_196:}

文中有提到n6仍是旗艦, i5是大众化市场, 一般够用, 是中阶机。寄望 FW 的优化能给用家带来更完美体验。

Mrspeakers - Mr Dan 对他的耳机能得奖, 亦同样兴奋...

頁: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21
查看完整版本: Cayin i5 好聽,從此不壹樣 (v2.2固件 Pg19 和 Tidal 問題解釋 Pg20)

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