wstanley 發表於 2016-8-3 17:28

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-8-3 16:40 static/image/common/back.gif
這是第一次國際版固件更, OTA server 仍在調適對海外的 download request,國內 OTA 測試是可以的, 但因為 ...

Andy, 岩岩 upgrade 完 firmware, 可惜 Moov 仲係窒......想請問我仲有咩可以試???{:6_125:}

wstanley 發表於 2016-8-3 18:01

wstanley 發表於 2016-8-3 17:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Andy, 岩岩 upgrade 完 firmware, 可惜 Moov 仲係窒......想請問我仲有咩可以試???...

4. In case you have third party applications installed and find the system/applications are not performing satisfactory, please wipe cache partition (in recovery mode) and restart the system.

剛剛睇到上面呢句, 等我試下wipe 左先, 睇睇係咪可以解決到我既問題.......

wstanley 發表於 2016-8-3 18:21

wstanley 發表於 2016-8-3 18:01 static/image/common/back.gif
4. In case you have third party applications installed and find the system/applications are not pe ...

試完, 問題依舊存在....{:6_129:}

leedsu 發表於 2016-8-3 21:03

thank you very much for sharing

jeffyw 發表於 2016-8-3 22:55

本帖最後由 jeffyw 於 2016-8-3 23:43 編輯

安裝完成了,用EXP DL

hairyboy 發表於 2016-8-4 02:02

Pls help cannot update by manual screen show!

E:failed to seek in /tmp/sideload/ (invalid argument)
E:signature verifiaction failed
Installation aborted

jeffyw 發表於 2016-8-4 02:05

hairyboy 發表於 2016-8-4 02:02 static/image/common/back.gif
Pls help cannot update by manual screen show!

E:failed to seek in /tmp/sideload/ (invali ...


nikfung 發表於 2016-8-4 03:06

本帖最後由 nikfung 於 2016-8-4 03:26 編輯

大陸Server當然慢了點....大家不如直接去Download Link download:好過

Download完個Zip file 記住唔好爆, 直接抄落TF 或 機內Memory 的 root directory 度>


USB去解碼繼續抄豆和無反應....明顯改善是Hang(繼續會Hang) Player 唔使Hard Reset....了以Quit Apps.....但即刻加"噪"...沙沙聲

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-9-14 17:14

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2016-9-14 22:19 編輯

Announcement of Cayin i5 firmware v1.81

New Functions and System Optimization

[*]Normalize volume level between third party applications and stock music player
[*]Optimize power management of DAC and analog circuit during startup process, improve battery life and noise control at system initialization.
[*]Improve system logic and instructions during standby, rectify occasional muted problem when the player resume from pause or standby.
[*]Reorganize volume control logic and gain control processing of PGA2311, resolve occasional unexpected audio output when volume has turned to zero.
[*]Rectified volume related bug: volume will change unexpectedly when resume playback after headphone is unplug and then plug in again.
[*]Rectify volume related bug: volume will change unexpectedly when system pop-up notification message (e.g., low battery warning).
[*]Optimize the use of cue sheet at LAN or Cloud Service
[*]Recover the screen wipe feature in main playback screen of stock Music Player during DSD playback, can wipe to lyric and VU meter screen without causing halt or application error.
[*]Reinforce playback control function, click and hold the Play/Pause button on side panel during lock screen will put the player into complete stop.
[*]Improve download speed and user experience of OTA firmware upgrade by reorganize the firmware pushing process and rolling out the firmware update in waves
[*]Improve multilingual User Interface, refine wordings and translation accuracy.
[*]Rectify typo and spelling mistakes
[*]Other optimisation and bugs fixed.



Cayin i5 Firmware Upgrade

Cayin i5 is based on a fully customized Android 4.4 system, this is uniquely developed to become the foundation of i5.Cayin will issue updated i5 firmware from time to time to enable new function, optimize the features and functions of the player, and improve the efficiency and performance of the hardware platform.Cayin reserves the right to modify the firmware without prior notice.


Cayin i5在1.1版固件中已提供OTA升級方式,上市初始版本為1.0,所以,未升級固件的用戶請儘快升級到1.1版本,這樣即可用OTA升級方式完成後續Cayin i5的固件升級;


[*]Each version of firmware might contain minor different, please review the modification list and decide on your own accord whether you want to update the firmware of your i5 Player.
[*]Under normal circumstances, firmware upgrade will not cause any damage to user information, including installed applications and downloaded music files.However Cayin cannot exclude the possibility of upgrade failure due to mal-operation or any other reason. For these reasons, you might be required to reset your i5 player and result in losing person data stored on the player.We suggest you backup all your personal data stored on the player before you perform firmware upgrade.
[*]The i5 Android firmware is fully customized for i5 only and cannot be used in other Android devices.
[*]Please do not temper the i5 firmware or intend to replace the i5 firmware with other Android based system or firmware.
Firmware upgrades procedure

Cayin i5 offers OTA upgrade and Manual upgrade options.The firmware content is identical in both cases, users can select their preferred option freely.

Cayin i5 was launched with firmware v1.0, and we have added OTA upgrade function at v1.1 and v1.2 respectively.If your i5 firmware is remain at v1.0, you’ll not be able to use OTA firmware upgrade, we suggest you to perform at least one firmware upgrade manually, this will allow you to enjoy OTA upgrade in subsequent firmware release.

A.        OTA upgrade instruction

[*]OTA upgrade is only available to i5 with v1.1 firmware or after.
[*]Please make sure the player has not less than 50% battery power before you proceed.
[*]When you activate WiFi connection, system will detect and alert you when new firmware is identified automatically, please use the pull down menu to accept the firmware upgrade offer, or select “System Update” command under the Setup menu to invoke firmware upgrade process.
[*]You will enter a download screen and when the download is completed, confirm to proceed update and the system will complete the update process automatically.

Upon completion on firmware upgrade, the firmware package is stored at the root directory of the internal storage under the name of “”. You can delete this file (with ES explorer preinstalled under Third Party Application drawer) to redeem storage capacity.

A.        OTA升級方式說明

版本為1.1固件的Cayin i5用戶,保證本機電量在50%以上並連接Wi-Fi,系統則會自動檢測到有新固件,並給出提示資訊,通過下拉式功能表,點擊提示資訊或通過系統功能表中的系統更新進入下載介面,完成固件下載後點擊立即更新,即可自動完成更新;


B.           Manual upgrade instruction

The i5 v1.5 firmware package is around 215MB, consider some users are using the i5 as a standalone player or having a much faster network connection with their desktop computer, Cayin has offer manual upgrade option for your convenient.

[*]Go to download page of Cayin website (, click into the latest i5 firmware upgrade entry, download the installation package titled
[*]Copy the installation package to the root directory of i5 internal storage or the root directory of the TF card that will be used in firmware upgrade.
[*]Please make sure the player has not less than 50% battery power before you proceed.
[*]Enter Recovery Mode of Cayin i5 by pressing Down key at the right side and Power On/off at the left side
[*]Once you have arrived at Recovery Mode, you can move around with the Volume control or the Up and Down key on the left, and select an option with Power On/Off key

[*]If you have stored the installation package at root directory of internal storage, select “apply update from internal storage”
[*]If you have stored the installation package at root directory of the TF card, select “apply update from external storage”

[*]Select "" with Power on/off key to activate upgrade process
[*]At the end of system upgrade, select "reboot system now" at Recovery Mode to complete the firmware upgrade.

B.           手動升級固件方式說明

因固件升級包檔較大(約為250M左右),同時考慮到伺服器及使用者網路頻寬的差異等。Cayin i5 也同時提供手動升級方式,詳細說明如下:

[*]進入Cayin官網: 下載最新的i5固件,得到檔案名為:I5-Update-1.81-International.zip的固件升級包;

[*]如固件包存放路徑為本機記憶體,選擇:apply update from internal storage,點擊電源鍵進入;
[*]如固件包存放路徑為外置TF卡,選擇:apply update from external storage,點擊電源鍵進入;

[*]升級完成後選擇reboot system now,點擊電源鍵重啟機器後即可完成系統升級;


[*]Do not operate the machine during firmware upgrade
[*]Please delete/remove the firmware file from the internal storage/TF card after firmware upgrade
[*]Please perform a complete Music Scan after firmware upgrade.
[*]In case you have third party applications installed and find the system/applications are not performing satisfactory, please wipe cache partition (in recovery mode) and restart the system.
[*]If the system freeze or cannot resume to regular operation, you can turn off the device by press and hold the Power on-off key for around 10 seconds.The system will shut down in regardless of operation status.If problem persist, you can perform a Factory Reset (under Setting menu) or Wipe data/factory reset (in recovery mode) to resume the system.

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-9-14 17:17

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2016-9-14 17:53 編輯

為 v1.81 固件升級小小補充:

[*]OTA 更新已改為分批推送,所以未必所有用家都會同時接到更新 alert.我們每次選 serial number 的 3 個字尾來推送,估計 3-4 日可完成所有 v1.8 的推送。
[*]可以選擇手動更新,官網上提供了兩個下連結,如連接地官網的 FTP 太慢,可試用 mirror 連結 (Google Drive)
[*]在更新到 v1.81 固件後,i5 將不能回滾到以前的固件,包括不能回到 v1.8 內地版。
[*]USB-DAC 功能未能如期達標,在測試後決定在 v1.81 固件中不提供這功能,Cayin 謹此致歉。我也們承諾會儘力改善開發工作,務求儘早提供 i5 的 USB Audo 功能。

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查看完整版本: Cayin i5 好聽,從此不壹樣 (v2.2固件 Pg19 和 Tidal 問題解釋 Pg20)

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