Isotek 係唔係明顯比MS好?
係覺得DIY好易裝 本帖最後由 charliey 於 2016-4-13 10:06 編輯
i used MS for around two years before it broke ... don't connect any 2-channel equipment to any sockets with filter...
the best is to have one power bar for 2-channel only, i.e. CD, DAC, 2-ch amp and another power bar for others ...
by the way, finally i switched all 2-channel sockets/power cords to US a few years ago.the US power bar connected to wall with UK socket on wall, then all 2-channel equipment using US power cords linked to such power bar ... US power cords have more (non-expensive) choices ... charliey 發表於 2016-4-13 10:01 static/image/common/back.gif
i used MS for around two years before it broke ... don't connect any 2-channel equipment to any sock ...
If I use one power bar for 2ch (amp, DAC, CDP), should I use filtered or non-filtered? Thanks! eggman99 發表於 2016-4-13 07:15 static/image/common/back.gif
不過保險方面又係一個問題, 我睇你俾多少少買isotek or isol-8
PF30 只可以搵二手,全新已經無 eggman99 發表於 2016-4-13 13:13 static/image/common/back.gif
If I use one power bar for 2ch (amp, DAC, CDP), should I use filtered or non-filtered? Thanks!
其實2ch amp 都可以入power filter,但要有support high current 既output eggman99 發表於 2016-4-13 13:13 static/image/common/back.gif
If I use one power bar for 2ch (amp, DAC, CDP), should I use filtered or non-filtered? Thanks!
don't suggest any filter socket ...
我用緊CLS309,係可以俾power amp 用 咁如果PS Audio Dectet 呢?有冇人用過? 本帖最後由 homealone 於 2016-4-16 08:29 編輯
1. 1千左右就wireworld matrix 2。
2. 3千左右就Oyaide, 不過這個好像只有美式。
3. 1萬樓下就QRT QB4/QB6。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)