eggman99 發表於 2016-4-30 21:13

txlee 發表於 2016-4-28 18:56 static/image/common/back.gif
What do you think on Rega Brio-R for LS50
How the sound well perform by this Amp on LS50


carcarman 發表於 2016-4-30 21:42

eggman99 發表於 2016-4-30 21:13 static/image/common/back.gif


添置6樓,悠掦音響有rega brio r水貨特價,全新4K楼下喎,抵買到極。

eggman99 發表於 2016-4-30 22:27

txlee 發表於 2016-4-30 15:44 static/image/common/back.gif
What do you think Rega Brio-r go with B&W speaker instead of LS50 ?

Moreover, I have noticed that ...

I only tested Brio-R with CM1 S2 with a couple of songs once at 7/F.I think this combo has more dynamic and excitment than the Rotel + CM1 combo (B&W showroom).

I am new to 2-channel, I can't give you professional advice. But I like my Brio-R + Apollo-R + LS50 so far.

You can easily find good reviews about Rega's CDP and DAC on the Internet, though Rega is not popular in Hongkong.

eggman99 發表於 2016-4-30 22:28

carcarman 發表於 2016-4-30 21:42 static/image/common/back.gif
添置6樓,悠掦音響有rega brio r水貨特價,全新4K楼下喎,抵買到極。


txlee 發表於 2016-5-1 19:02

carcarman 發表於 2016-4-30 21:42 static/image/common/back.gif
添置6樓,悠掦音響有rega brio r水貨特價,全新4K楼下喎,抵買到極。

Yes, it is very competitive price in the market !

but for Rega Dac (dealer goods), seems like the price is a little high for its spec. nowadays cuz the trend of Dac has been sampling up to 32bits and DSD

Another idea, I am considering how to stream musics to LS50.
I am thinking if I should use NAD D7050 simply to LS50, or buy a music streamer + preamp DAC + Rega Brio-r. What do you suggest me to buy on this combination, Chings

txlee 發表於 2016-5-2 00:19

eggman99 發表於 2016-4-30 21:13 static/image/common/back.gif


thank you for your sharing with me on this topic about Rega Brio-r going with LS50

as per the content of the link, it seems like Rega Brio-r not enough power on LS50, and need Rega Elex-r or Arcam A19 in order to have more bass, midrange, and excitement. If so, Elex-r will be the ultimate choice, and where I can see its demo

Anyway, Elex-r will be another issue for my pocket !

txlee 發表於 2016-5-2 09:34

For the Rega Brio-r, HOW I can identify Hong goods or Water goods ?

carcarman 發表於 2016-5-2 17:54

txlee 發表於 2016-5-2 09:34 static/image/common/back.gif
For the Rega Brio-r, HOW I can identify Hong goods or Water goods ?


txlee 發表於 2016-5-2 18:36

carcarman 發表於 2016-5-2 17:54 static/image/common/back.gif

How many years of warranty by the HK dealer ?

eggman99 發表於 2016-5-3 12:57

txlee 發表於 2016-5-2 18:36 static/image/common/back.gif
How many years of warranty by the HK dealer ?

One year I suppose.
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