kk2817 發表於 2009-11-6 23:39

BD Player: BDP-S360 Firmware Version 007 Update (Nov. 4, 2009)

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-11-6 23:58 編輯

BDP-S360 Firmware Version 007 Update    04-11-2009


wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-6 23:59

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-11-7 04:04 編輯

Thanks .. I am using this player!

Sony is offering a firmware update for Sony Blu-ray player BDP-S360.
This utility updates the BDP-S360 firmware to version 007 and provides the following benefits:

Improves compatibility to enhance interactivity with some BD-ROMs.

agnes_b 發表於 2009-11-7 04:18

C hing~~DL咗落黎燒埋碟都唔識Update~~
有無C Hing可解答下點做?

wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-7 23:25

點解唔直接 network 更新?

C hing~~DL咗落黎燒埋碟都唔識Update~~
有無C Hing可解答下點做?
agnes_b 發表於 2009-11-7 04:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-7 23:25

Creating a Update disc to be inserted into your BDP-S360.
[*]This firmware update is performed with a CD-R to be inserted into your BDP-S360.
Do not use a CD-RW disc. A CD-R disc is highly recommended.[*]Use a brand new CD-R disc to burn the firmware update. The player may not be able to correctly read a dirty disc or a disc with scratches.[*]User need a computer with a CD writer with burning software.[*]The downloaded file will create an ISO Image. An ISO image (.iso) is a disk image of an ISO 9660 file system.[*]Most CD authoring utilities can write ISO files to a disc. For more information, please check the help files of your CD authoring software.
Check the player firmware version:
o Power on the television and make sure it is tuned to the inputs to which the BDP-S360 player is connected.
o Power on the BDP-S360 Blu-ray Disc player.
o If the player starts to play a disc, press the STOP button and wait until the blue Sony Blu-ray Disc screen is displayed on the television before proceeding.
o At the "xross media bar" (XMB), use the arrow keys on the remote control to highlight Setup > System Settings and then press the ENTER button.
o Use the arrow keys on the remote control to highlight System Information and then press the ENTER button.
o Use the arrow keys on the remote control to select System Information and then press the ENTER button.
o The firmware version currently installed on the BDP-S360 will be listed like below on the television screen:

o If the version number is 007 or higher, it is not necessary to install this firmware update.

Network Update procedureThe Network Update operation is straightforward, so it is highly recommended that you use the Network Update method to update the BDP-S360 firmware update.If you cannot connect the BDP-S360 to your Internet source, please use the Update Disc method in the section below.[*]In order to use this update method it is necessary to have the player correctly connected to an active Internet connection.[*]In order to perform the firmware update, it is necessary to have the player correctly connected to a compatible television.
The firmware update process usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on system configuration and network connection.
[*]Power on the television and make sure it is tuned to the inputs to which the BD player is connected.[*]Connect the LAN terminal on the BD player to your Internet source using an Ethernet cable.[*]Power on the BD player.[*]When disc remains in BD player, please take out disc.[*]At the xrossmediabar (XMB) , use the arrow keys on the remote control to select Setup - Network Update and then press the ENTER button.[*]Perform version update? message is displayed.[*]Select OK and then press the ENTER button.[*]Download process starts and download screen is displayed.
DL */9 (lights up) ("*" changes from "0" to "9," indicating progress) is displayed on TV screen.[*]After download process, the update starts and VUP appears on the player front panel display.[*]When updating:
VUP */9 (lights up) ("*" changes from "0" to "9," indicating progress) is displayed on the player front panel display.[*]The firmware update is complete when FINISH appears on the player front panel display.
VUP -> 0/9-> 1/9 -> …-> 9/9 -> FINISH.[*]Then the power of BD player is off after FINISH gone.[*]Power on the BD player.[*]Check the firmware version.

wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-7 23:27

Possible Issues related to the Network Update[*]"SYS ERR" or "VUP NG" is displayed on the player front panel display.
1. Push and hold the "POWER" button for several seconds until the unit power is off.
2. Turn on the power of the BD player.
3. Please execute network update procedure again.
4. If the symptom does not improve after re-update, please contact Sony.

[*]When running network update, the television shows "Connection status cannot be confirmed" and you cannot update the firmware.
The problem might be at the network connection. Verify that network settings of BD player are appropriate.
1. Check whether LAN cable is inserted to connector.
2. Check network setting and confirm whether BD player has own IP address. If you use a proxy server, type IP address of the proxy you use instead of the proxy host name in the "Proxy Server" input field.
3. Then please execute network update procedure again.

[*]Power was shut down while updating.
Power on the player again. And then please execute network update procedure again.

[*]When the player is powered on after performing the update, "WELCOME” or “WAIT" message appears on the front panel display.
Please contact Sony.

[*]The firmware update (This is not download) does not finish, after running for more than 30 minutes.
Please contact Sony.

Update disc procedureIf you cannot connect the BDP-S360 to your Internet source, please use the update disc method.
If you sucessfully updated your BDP-S360 using the "Network update" in the section above, you don't need to apply this procedure.
[*]Use a brand new recordable CD-R disc to burn the firmware update. The player may not be able to correctly read a dirty disc or a disc with scratches.[*]Recommended operating system for the computer that will download the firmware update:
o Microsoft® Windows® 98SE or later is needed.
o Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) is recommended.[*]You need a computer with a CD writer with burning software.[*]Most CD authoring utilities can write ISO files to a disc. For more information, please check the help files of your CD authoring software.

cmsjkung 發表於 2009-11-8 21:21

Good News


tak 發表於 2010-10-5 12:50

ver 08 update
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查看完整版本: BD Player: BDP-S360 Firmware Version 007 Update (Nov. 4, 2009)

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