粗人敵卡 發表於 2016-3-26 21:21

Nolan 發表於 2016-3-25 21:31 static/image/common/back.gif
This movie has a very dark tone, I really don't recommend parents to bring kids to watch it. There w ...

比唔上the dark knight

Nolan 發表於 2016-3-26 22:12

本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-3-26 22:17 編輯

粗人敵卡 發表於 2016-3-26 21:21 static/image/common/back.gif
比唔上the dark knight

Of course, The Dark Knight is a much better one and it's the best superhero movie ever made, but at least Batman doesn't kill, no matter how atrocious his enemies are. But in Dawn of Justice, Batman slaughters villains with guns and blades, that really defies the tradition.

mike384 發表於 2016-3-29 09:19

星期五去METROPLEX, 普通2D係一場都冇, 得貴到喊的全景聲(唔計半夜就只得一場), 反而普通3D先$85, 睇11:20, 早上9點都重有中間位, 所以以雖然未到冇2D, 但都差不多了, 所以今次我都少何地睇返次3D了.
講返套戲,一開始冇期待, 所以又冇乜點失望, 如:
2. WONDER WOMAN只係為了以後的系列鋪路, 以臨記性質出現
1. 冷場, 多到我差D恰著(最多一兩分鐘就醒個隻), 不過未算好過份, 好過TRANSFORMER系列...
2. 敵人, 佢只係誇張了的FB老細...呢個雖然一開始都冇點EXPECT過, 但實在好唔得....換過型D的反派啦, 唔該!!
導演始終係純畫面為主, 畫面係靚, 有好幾場真係好似睇緊ALEX ROSS的插畫一樣咁架, 但我又未夠班領會得哂佢的畫面(駛唔駛定咁耐), 所以只能怪自己啦.

Nolan 發表於 2016-3-29 12:45

Just watched it again in 2D. Even though it's outmatched by its predecessor, I'm still grateful that it kicks hard enough to exceed all the Marvel Studio movies, aside from Captain America: The Winter Soldier!

Nolan 發表於 2016-5-2 13:50

I previously made a few idiotic spelling mistakes, I just corrected them, I apologize for being blunt.

Nolan 發表於 2016-7-21 11:54

I've just watched the extended cut on bluray, it just couldn't make the movie more compelling, aside from the action scenes. That extra 30 minutes is superfluous, it barely makes the story more verbose.
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查看完整版本: 《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》~ Movie Review

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