Nolan 發表於 2016-3-24 17:58

《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》~ Movie Review

本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-5-2 13:55 編輯

It has already been three years since I watched Man of Steel at cinema and I enjoyed it substantially. Man of Steel isn't a masterpiece, it does have flaws, but director Zack Snyder did succeed in making it riveting enough to impress me. Despite it being criticised by a bunch of American spectators, many foreigners still praised it.

After waiting frenetically for three years, its successor, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice eventually got released. But this time, it fell short a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not in an attempt to pan Dawn of Justice, there are a good deal of things that I appreciated, but there are also several things that let me down.

Let's talk about things I fancied. The opening scene of the movie is splendid, it's not just emotional but also gives us a legitimate reason what drives Bruce Wayne becoming Batman. It doesn't spend much time depicting how Bruce gets over his parents' death and copes with his fear, I suppose Snyder was aware that the impression of Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins on the audiences is still vivid, it's truly important to interpret them in an unique way, and I can tell you, he did it beautifully. The introduction of Batman is very interesting, Snyder successfully manufactured a whole different Batman. The Dark Knight Trilogy directed by Nolan was illustrious, frankly, it was really hard for me to adapt a new Batman portrayed by another actor after four years, but somehow, Ben Affleck's performance and the way Snyder depicted Batman truly made me feel content. Christian Bale's version is much different from Affleck's, let me explain it how. Aside from The Dark Knight Rises, we never saw Batman killing villains on the big screen, even while confronting maniacs like Joker. But in Dawn of Justice, Batman does take lives, because he is in a much sinful world, that makes him cynical. Even Batman says" We're criminals. We always have been." to his butler, that explains why he doesn't hesitate when he slaughters his antagonists with his bare hands, it reminds me of Rorshach in Snyder's Watchmen. The romance between Superman and Lois is fabulously interpreted, it doesn't feel kind of forced like the Iron Man movies and Thor movies, it feels very natural. The repercussion between Batman and Superman and even the involvement of Wonder Woman are well developed, they feel a bit like political thrillers. The music composed by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL is utterly effusive, it makes the film much more convincing. How about the fight scenes? They are well edited and breath-taking!

Lamentably, Dawn of Justice is de facto imperfect in some certain aspects. Its predecessor, Man of Steel, got assistance from Nolan, it turned out to be a success. Unluckily, Nolan only served as the executive producer this time, this means he was merely slightly involved with the film. I'm not questioning Snyder's faculty, as a matter of fact, he did prove to us how prominent he is by making good movies, such as 300 and Watchmen. However, he does have his weak spots, his indulgence on visual effects. I understand that it is inevitable to employ CGI, especially filming superhero movies, even Nolan's Batman films did. But the way he adjusted it was very deviant, it feels like video games, for which made me almost black out. Another problem is, there's a new superhero inexplicably appearing at the middle of the movie, it seems WB is extremely desperate to facilitate the Justice League, which will hit theatres next year.

To sum up, Dawn of Justice is less compelling than The Dark Knight Trilogy and Man of Steel, at least it exceeds last year's Age of Ultron and Fantastic Four. The entire cast delivered outstanding acting, Amy Adam is still ravishing as always, despite already in her forty. What I feel paranoid about is, the studio seems too reliant on Snyder, the future projects might be disastrous due to carrying too much workload. I wouldn't be appalled if Justice League becomes a failure.

Rating: 75/100

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-24 18:23


Nolan 發表於 2016-3-24 18:33

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-24 18:23 static/image/common/back.gif

I wouldn't have watched it in 3D if I had any choice. But unfortunately, there were only two screenings for2D, my schedule couldn't allow me to.

ltho3k 發表於 2016-3-24 18:56

我今早睇左2D 早場, 大部份的戯院只做 3D . Imax , 百幾至二百頭,
都幾貴, 亦唔值得, 講返套戲, 文戲都幾多,前半部份節奏比較慢,
到最後的四十五分,節奏快返D, 但隻壞蛋怪獸做形都幾差吓,

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-24 19:07

Nolan 發表於 2016-3-24 18:33 static/image/common/back.gif
I wouldn't have watched it in 3D if I had any choice. But unfortunately, there were only two scree ...


ltho3k 發表於 2016-3-24 20:03

本帖最後由 ltho3k 於 2016-3-24 20:04 編輯

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-24 19:07 static/image/common/back.gif

UA 全缐差不多 是3D. 嘉禾海運有2d,

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-24 20:07

ltho3k 發表於 2016-3-24 20:03 static/image/common/back.gif
UA 全缐差不多 是3D. 嘉禾海運有2d,


victor_wong 發表於 2016-3-25 12:42

本帖最後由 victor_wong 於 2016-3-25 12:44 編輯

屯門 有 2D,夜場都是 $70 個大洋 {:1_343:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

alleelarry 發表於 2016-3-25 13:00

victor_wong 發表於 2016-3-25 12:42 static/image/common/back.gif
屯門 有 2D,夜場都是 $70 個大洋
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)


Nolan 發表於 2016-3-25 21:31

本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-3-25 21:39 編輯

This movie has a very dark tone, I really don't recommend parents to bring kids to watch it. There was a six-year-old kid sitting next to me was scared off by the violence, his mother had to get him out of the theatre en route.
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