發表於 2015-11-11 19:53
ykluk 發表於 2015-11-11 17:08
小弟之前借朋友部devialet le 200去推小弟對陳年ATC SCM20, 出嚟既聲其實都OK, 但論推力其實真係要扭得好 ...
發表於 2015-11-12 09:30
dicek 發表於 2015-11-11 19:53 static/image/common/back.gif
發表於 2015-11-12 09:38
hksarac 發表於 2015-11-12 09:30 static/image/common/back.gif
我無比較呀, 我知新40一定易推過舊20...{:1_352:}
發表於 2015-11-12 12:17
dicek 發表於 2015-11-11 19:53 static/image/common/back.gif
enjoy le 200, 下一步應該係會再加部做slave~~~!!! {:8_368:}
發表於 2015-11-13 21:13
發表於 2015-11-15 11:37
how about e-600?
發表於 2015-11-15 22:24
ykluk 發表於 2015-11-12 12:17 static/image/common/back.gif
enjoy le 200, 下一步應該係會再加部做slave~~~!!!
用LE200 + SCM7,人聲唔知得唔得呢?
發表於 2015-11-16 10:22
man1117 發表於 2015-11-15 22:24 static/image/common/back.gif
用LE200 + SCM7,人聲唔知得唔得呢?
CHING有睇小弟LE200個post大致上都睇到報告~~ 新版SCM7比舊SCM20易推好多好多好多, 又已經SAMed:
低頻補足一定會比用其他AMP推SCM7好, 點會有唔得之有~~~ 唯一唔得可能係SCM7唔夠喉啫~~~ {:9_407:}
發表於 2015-11-16 17:19
Okay I will type English since it seems like most Chings can read English here and it's much faster for me.
So ~1 week into having the speakers, I took one Ching's suggestion in bi-amping using the AVR, plus the speaker also opened up.The sound is definitely fuller.For movies, it's a bit lacking in power, but I will add a sub.
I am looking to a proper two channel amp -- either integrated or just power.
Is Yau Shing the best building to test out amps?Is there something on the HK Island side?
By the way, the official dealer of the SCM7 offers excellent service and seems honest, at least by audio salesman perspective.
I think I will get the sound I want, but I need to scale up slowly because otherwise Tiger at home will get angry for so many new pieces.
So just want to share my shopping process. Originally, I was looking for a floorstander because if you add the cost of the stand, it's about the same price and it takes about the same amount of estate.However, I was told that in my space of 18 ft long* 8.5 wide (~160) ft, 8.5 ft tall, a floorstander could be too boomy.
So I went for standmounts.So at first I was attracted to LS50 because so many awards and there are second hands available for a newbie like me.But somehow I think it's a bit thin.Then I also tested the R300 -- I like how "thick" it sounded but it seems that the sound isn't refined enough. I also was shown the Monitor Audio Bronx 2 and others...somehow I came across the review of ATC11 and I decided to try it.
The ATC 11 is amazing.It's a bit over budget but Iwas willing to push, but wife ended up saying that it's too big for the living room to her taste.The ATC7 sounded good enough too, and better IMHO than LS50 and R300.So I settled on that.
I already know that ATC7 is hard to drive, but some say that ATC7v3 is already easier to drive.So I think I bought it as a challenge as I think I am in this for the long run.
發表於 2015-11-16 22:58
bewater 發表於 2015-11-16 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Okay I will type English since it seems like most Chings can read English here and it's much faster...
Really so many ching like ATC7.. better than LS50..