發表於 2015-11-9 19:11
我十二吋低音, 用mono block 推都要加十仔, 低音真係好痕緊要。兩樣都買啦, 為你好。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-11-9 22:14
Thanks all Ching for your comments!So two points to consider:
Assuming I am willing to up the budget to say 15 to 18k:
1. Integrated amp or power amp? I would like to keep my AV amp so that my wife can use AirPlay and Bluetooth and I can 影音分家. There needs to be a balance between 方便易用and more sophisticated set up? My wife would complaint if she doesn't know how to use...
2. What machine to buy?I don't mind second hand? Where to buy? ssp?
發表於 2015-11-10 00:18
hksarac 發表於 2015-11-9 19:02
唔係喎 今日專登抬部120去試 唔差喎 開到-5都夠哂聲
發表於 2015-11-10 01:13
bewater 發表於 2015-11-9 22:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks all Ching for your comments!So two points to consider:
Assuming I am willing to up the bud ...
發表於 2015-11-10 10:38
bewater 發表於 2015-11-9 22:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks all Ching for your comments!So two points to consider:
Assuming I am willing to up the bud ...
If I were you, I will buy 2 pairs of good quality speaker cables first & reconfigure the x3200 to bi-amp mode and see how it goes.The speaker cables can be reused when you move to影音分家, 無蝕章.
For int-amp/power-amp, maybe you would consider Denon PMA-2020AE.It is a good amp and has the pre/main function.
Have fun.
發表於 2015-11-10 16:22
FelixTheCat 發表於 2015-11-10 10:38 static/image/common/back.gif
If I were you, I will buy 2 pairs of good quality speaker cables first & reconfigure the x3200 to...
how to reconfigure to bi-amp mode?And how much/how thick are we talking about when we say "quality"?
發表於 2015-11-10 19:18
bewater 發表於 2015-11-10 16:22 static/image/common/back.gif
how to reconfigure to bi-amp mode?And how much/how thick are we talking about when we say "quali ...
Refer 5.1-channel playback (bi-amp connection of front speakers) at here:
Probably 3200 has similar feature.For details, you need to check the manual.
Oyaide Tunami V2 in my mind is a reasonable priced high quality cable, otherwise I won't buy them {:6_158:}
發表於 2015-11-10 19:20
Price: around 10k.Bought from dealer as 旺x did not offer better price. And dealer offered good service so thought of it as service fee la.
發表於 2015-11-11 17:08
dicek 發表於 2015-11-10 00:18 static/image/common/back.gif
唔係喎 今日專登抬部120去試 唔差喎 開到-5都夠哂聲
小弟之前借朋友部devialet le 200去推小弟對陳年ATC SCM20, 出嚟既聲其實都OK, 但論推力其實真係要扭得好大聲先得, 同mark仔前後級比既力水真係仲有距離.....{:8_395:}
雖然新既ATC SCM40比起陳年ATC SCM20可能易推啲, 但只係靠一隻LE 120去推, 應該都唔會夠去推晒佢三頻尤其低頻, 你可能係聽到佢大聲, 但嗰種感覺未必係推盡ATC既聲音.....{:8_384:}
發表於 2015-11-11 17:14
bewater 發表於 2015-11-9 22:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks all Ching for your comments!So two points to consider:
Assuming I am willing to up the bud ...
唔知樓主你既聆聽空間有幾大, 不過SCM7既中低單元咁細隻, 推得佢好既彈跳力仲OK, 但要佢潛得低同深真係難, 除非你有足火既150W以上去推, 仲要得60-80呎咁細空間, 再大空間個單元咁細點充滿空間.....{:8_395:}
個人睇法樓主你既情況應該去試吓唔同既int. amp.先, 有AV bypass既咪可以照用av amp接等你老婆可以用, 而樓主你可以第時upgrade player或dac去接int. amp., 包你聽咗之後唔會再記得av amp聽歌係點.....{:9_407:}
就咁建議你用邊隻好似好斷估, 不如你出去聽多啲先, 再講吓你對唔同既int. amp.有咩感覺, 等各CHING知你想要咩再推介會好啲~~!! {:9_423:}