djaddy 發表於 2009-10-23 22:41

Djaddy的DIY家庭影院 (P.40 update)

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2016-4-25 16:51 編輯


P.1 - Djaddy's Evolution
P.1 - 為什麼影音分家?
P.1 - Individual Components
P.1 - Cables & Accessories
P.1 - DacMagic加環牛 (DIY Project)
P.3 - 升呢 - 單晶銀牆蘇
P.3 - 天線 (DIY Project)
P.4 - PC灌沙線 research sharing
P.4 - 沙沙1號 (DIY 古河314Ag灌沙線)
P.4 - 沙沙2號 (DIY Belden 83803 灌沙線)
P.5 - 沙沙3號 (DIY 派拉利 1.5mm 灌沙線)
P.6 - 派拉利 1.5mm 老線
P.8 - 派拉利的玩法 (DIY Project)
P.11 - CDs, DVDs & BDs
P.11 - Computer as Source (CAS)
P.12 - CAS Software: Asio4all + cMP + cPlay
P.13 - CAS Software: Wavelab 6.1(#124)
P.13 - 升呢 - Oppo BDP83 入手
P.13 - Action Figures
P.13 - CAS: Foobar2000 + Asio4all
P.14 - HDMI Cables
P.17 - 誡接線不牢與不潔
P.18 - 派拉利 6mm 老線
P.18 - 萬隆 Sub Cable
P.18 - L & N之分 - 飛記LCD8字頭
P.18 - 磁環的玩法
P.19 - 5.1 聽筒
P.22 - DIY雙十仔: 單元 HiVi SP10
P.22 - 中了劇毒: 5條單晶銅RCA信號線
P.23 - Oppo 83 VS EeePC 聽歌戰
P.24 - DIY雙十仔: 製造過程
P.24 - Pioneer 1019 - 給自己的父親節禮物 (bedroom system)
P.24 - 變蕉 - CMC 單晶銅蕉插
P.26 - DIY Speakers (Dyna clones)
P.35 - 給斯巴克1205.1a的寶品
P.36 - 前置放位
P.36 - 雙前置
P.38 - 摩改 Vdigi
P.38 - 摩改 Oppo BDP-83
P.40 - 書房的CAS

己經幾年冇玩 Hi-Fi了

以前又DIY 喇叭,又自己摩改 BDP, 又自己做 pc, 又玩晒前后级 AV. 但幾年前有一次去了住海怡個的朋友家中聽了一首歌,我就放棄了玩音響。我的朋友完全不懂得 tune 机,當時只得一套三千幾蚊嘅 Panasonic 5.1. 聽歌和看電影,沒有分析力,沒有彈跳力,但一聽之下, 我的 hifi setup 全面地輸了在... 在空間感。海恰花園的客廳是鑽石型,不是四四方方,曾經認為是影響死敵,但这客廳夠深夠寬,可以提供聽歌時需要的空間。在这刻才明白年少時住在澳洲,雖然沒細心 tune HiFi, 但還可以“好声”...


These are my upgrades during the past 2 years. I spend much time in search of the sound that I like. I am after high c/p solutions. I have experimented a lot with various materials used for 灌沙線, fitting 牆蘇 & 加環牛 for my DacMagic. 派拉利 is my favorite DIY pc; there are many variations to manipulate it for better sounds. All these was done due to one simple reason. That is to maximize the performance of the equipment that I have on hand.

I also had Onkyo 803 but lost the pic. That amp sounded terrible. So I gave it to a friend.






djaddy 發表於 2009-10-23 22:46

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-12-26 09:41 編輯


The below was a ching's sharing. This was what helped me decide to 影音分家 :

到底 AV PRE 同 AUDIO PRE 有乜好大分別??

無錯AV PRE 同 一D AUDIO PRE 都系將D SIGNAL 放大後再送 POWER AMP, 但 當中最大吾同的系設計 OP AMP (運算放大)時 AV AMP的 Qts值會比 AUDIO PRE較小, (OP AMP 很很重要, 所有DAC的這個部份都是設計命脈, 另外就是CLOCK) 即導致每一音頻尾段收音較快, 較硬, 音樂感減少. 另外很多AV PRE 都會有 DIRECT, BYPASS 等等功能, 哪既然你輸入的是ANALOGUE 訊號了, 為何還有BYBASS, DIRECT 等等, 這代表了, 你入去的訊號已經經過 A/D 再 D/A 的轉換, 這樣一定需要採樣, 甘肯定變數碼聲. (點樣BYPASS都一定轉過, 以家PIONEER多左個功能叫 PURE DIRECT, 比DIRECT更DIRECT, 但你又重可以調較一個叫PURE PHASE的功能唻DELAY D 聲頻時間..........你話.甘又點會DIRECT 呢??) 所以無論你用乜DAC, 你接入AV AMP 都系吾系最原味既野. 但好的AUDIO PRE-AMP一定系盡量ANALOGUE 化, 但當然現在也很難100%啦(要用REMOTE 嗎...哈哈), 不過在音頻的再生表現上一定比同級的AV要好.

Individual Components:

影音 now 分家 la! {:4_61:}

Stereo (2 ch) setup:

EeePC > WW USBcable> USB to Coaxial converter > Gotham Coaxial cable > DM > RCA > Int Amp

I am using cMP + cPlay + Aiso4all.

AV setup:

PS3/ HTPC > VDH Ultimate > Marantz AV8003 > 柴_記G4 > Spark 1205.1a

djaddy 發表於 2009-10-23 23:21

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2012-7-29 01:25 編輯

Cables & Accessories

747-300 發表於 2009-10-23 23:33


jason_lwk 發表於 2009-10-23 23:37


ching, 隻中置企得穩咩??

djaddy 發表於 2009-10-23 23:58

5# jason_lwk

Yes yes.. I made bracket for it to stand on.

djaddy 發表於 2009-10-24 00:02

747-300 發表於 2009-10-23 23:33

{:6_142:} Marantz MM8003 is lacking in power. Cayin 1205.1A is more powerful with a tend of harshness, great for action movies.

devilfeifei 發表於 2009-10-24 02:04


djaddy 發表於 2009-10-24 06:03

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-1-9 07:33 編輯


I recently acquired a 2nd hand DacMagic: 分析力高, 清晰 & 背景靜. The original 牛牛 was not audio grade. So I decided to DIY a環牛. I used much of the material I found around my home to complete this project, so 老板 wouldn't complain about unwise spending.

A ching explained: if you connect the input from the AC mains then it will output 12 volts AC. The diodes inside the DAC will then convert the AC 12 volts into DC 12 volts before the regulating stage. All you need to do is housing the transformer into a box and connecting the mains to the input wires, but you also need to join the output wires with the appropriate cable and mini jack connector to the input of the DAC itself. Because the transformer can output 2 x 12 volts, so you only use one of its outputs.

After upgrading to a 環牛, it almost sounds like I changed to a new DAC! Female voices are more emotional than b4. The guitar strings are more detailed and with longer 尾音. Bass is better than my previous V-DAC.

I have DIY many pc with 派拉利 1.5mm b4. This is the 1st time I used 派拉利 1.5mm with DAC. I found the performance very comfortable to the ears. 派拉利 1.5mm surely is an amazing cable! 加灌沙, the results are even more pleasing. There is no negative comments about the 灌沙線. The 1st thing I noticed was the improvement in bass. The sound stage is wider & deeper.Guitar strings are better controlled.

電流多震動, so added 石英沙 inside the 威化餅罐 and 個罐底加了釘.

1. RS Component AC to AC 環牛
2. 派拉利 1.5mm + teflon coating
3. VDH Solution
4. US power plug
5. 2.1mm plug
6. 威化餅罐
7. 石英沙
8. 熱縮膠
9. 熱溶膠
10. Cover tape
11. 澳門黑幼沙 + 碳粉
12. 3.5 "fun" 水喉

bl089 發表於 2009-10-24 08:13

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