有冇c兄試過睇某D bluray戲果陣只是比正常音量大一點但喇叭己有點overload嘅跡象? 尤其係中置,但睇其他碟時就算高频再高也不會覺得overload, 是否個別影碟有時D聲唔好所致?該不是喇叭問題?因同一隻碟用幾套唔同AMP同喇叭都係咁!!問題係,各位高手家裡的專業級喇叭是否也會因個別的影碟而有這問題!? 請指教^^ 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-7-30 00:49 編輯
Check your AV amp channel balance - usually there should be little difference between front / center / right.
Verify that your center channel is not boosted abnormally.
Using a Sound Meter app on your smartphone, together with the audio test tone built into your AV amp, or a calibration disc, re-tune the channel balance if necessary.
If a particular disc sounds abnormal on multiple systems, then the disc is probably poorly mastered. wklie 發表於 2015-7-30 00:48 static/image/common/back.gif
Check your AV amp channel balance - usually there should be little difference between front / center ...
Some disc are like this. Especially the local Chinese movie.