Onkyo定Yamaha 既Amp for 睇戲好
小弟用水貨Z7做前級的,在300呎客廳用一隻古董B&W ASW 1000 subwoofer都已經勁到頂唔順(底音只開五分一音量,amp設定-5db).....所以唔覺yamaha無力水之說法Sub仔唔係自己有amp嗎?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Sub仔唔係自己有amp嗎?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 ...
km198 發表於 2010-10-21 18:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
小弟亦是新手,因為有時覺得底音太多而又懶,所以用遙控直接Amp 度減 as so many ching vote yamaha here, i also have something want to meet here,does any ching knows whan the new model of yamaha 3067 will be seen. PIONEER 對晝面分折會靚D。。。YAMAHA 劇院感會好D, 睇你要邊樣。 回復 10# cessna Denon睇戲Good,打到心口好痛 I have used Yamaha and Onkyo Amp before.Now using LX83.Personally I like Pioneer the most.The sound is very clear, powerful, and the surround is just super!
Yamaha and Onkyo are also good but I always feel like they are a bit soft. i'm YAMAHA user{:6_193:}