《復仇者聯盟2》AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON ~ What a disillusion!!!
本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2015-5-14 21:09 編輯I've just watched it and I'm so disappointed.
Last time, THE AVENGERS, which was directed by Joss Whedon, has already broken the box office, earning over $1.5 billion , becoming the third highest grossing film of all time and the highest grossing super hero movie. Despite the first episode was a tremendous box office success, I only considered it enjoyable and I didn't give Whedon much credit.
This time, Whedon directed the second installment, AGE OF ULTRON. However, he didn't make it any better, on the contrary, he almost screwed it up!
I wonder how Whedon directed the film! For God's sake, he used something to make most of the picture go terribly dark, dark enough to hypnotise me!
Okay, I'm awared that he wanted to make the tone darker, but it's not the way to work! Making dark tones ain't Whedon's speciality at all, he ain't Christopher Nolan, Matthew Vaughn, Zack Snyder and the Russo brothers! He only made everyone wanna fall into a coma!
Even though I could forgive Whedon for that, I really couldn't tolerate the bloody screenplay that he wrote! Bloody hell, the love story between Hulk and Black Widow is thoroughly nonsensical, it just doesn't make any sense. How can they fall in love with each other so bloody swiftly without any sign? They're just fond of each other at the beginning of the movie, but there's no clue, even the previous MARVEL flicks. At that time, I really appreciated the Russo brothers for making the subtle relationship between Captain America and Black Widow immaculately in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER.
Luckily, Whedon did something that deserved my compliment. For instance, he created a climatic fight between Ironman and Hulk, and he also made a touching story for Hawkeye, who doesn't appear in the previous PHRASE 2 spin-offs. Otherwise, I would've gone berserk!
Lamentably, Whedon ain't the only one who let me down, there's also another guy, Brian Tyler, who's responsible for scoring the music for the film.
Apparently, Tyler's an outstanding music composer, despite he's not at the same level as Hans Zimmer, he's been recently doing pretty well, that's why MARVEL hired him to score the music for IRONMAN 3 and THOR: THE DARK WORLD. But this time, he seemed getting lazy, he left plenty of scenes with no music, even some have, they don't sound any good.
To conclude, all the actors reprised their roles perfectly, as well as the new casts and the Korean actress, but they seemed to be wasted by Whedon, besides, the fighting scenes are mostly toothless, that's the reason I consider it the second worst installments in the PHRASE 2.
There's also a good news for the MARVEL's fans, the Russo Brothers who previously directed CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, will direct CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR and the two coming AVENGERS movies!
JAUoeqvedMo mike384 發表於 2015-4-28 09:11 static/image/common/back.gif
雷神係女人? 記得上第一套THOR時, 香港都出了一位姓雷的女神, 簡稱雷神, 唔知重有冇朋友記得佢?(, ){:8_402 ...
我本身無追開marvel漫畫, 不過有幾個故事我係好喜歡的~
iron man Extremis: 講tony stark 將件裝甲裝o左係車尾箱, 每次出動都要"lay"埋一二邊換衫(當時佢未公佈佢係ironman, 只知ironman係tony stark的手下/body guard etc), 一次意外令佢重傷, 被迫打入extremis 病毒改造自己身體, 最後變成了"改造人"
Civil War: 係我認為是最好睇的故事, 因為成個故事沒有明顯的對與錯, captain同ironman都各有各理據. 唔係好單純的好人vs壞人因此我覺得好值得思考.
dark reign: 講SHIELD由Osborn接管o左(即spiderman內的綠魔), 佢想追殺tony stark, 而tony就一路逃亡. 最後tony係腦死亡的. 不過佢之前將佢自己的記憶backup了一份copy所以一班superhero可以救返佢. 但backup的記憶是civil war之前所以佢醒返之後唔知自己原來攪出咁多事情出來.
之後有d故事我覺得太誇張所以睇睇下都無追了. Fully agree that the film was exceptionally dark. I've watched the 3D ATMOS version in Metroplex, which I am sure is much worse than the 2D one. A lot of fighting scenes were simply patches of blurred black color, I actually dozed off in the middle of the movie and missed the entire Hulk Vs Ironman segment. But I don't think I will watch it in theatre again. 睇完呢套"復仇2"嘅感覺.....唔好意思,就算會得罪好多人都要講"亂七八糟一塌糊塗" 八個字講晒因之前的"美國隊長2" 出來效果不錯 甚至比一集更好 這套也抱了一點期待去看的 可惜看完的感覺是近幾年荷里活大制作之中最失色的一套 本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2015-4-30 08:48 編輯
今日趕住見工,冇時間用中文打影評,只好再次用英文打,敬請見諒! CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER is the best!! Nolan 發表於 2015-4-25 09:29 static/image/common/back.gif
It's always my favourite MARVEL film! jayjay 發表於 2015-4-25 10:34 static/image/common/back.gif
It's always my favourite MARVEL film!
Elizabeth Olsen will reprise her role in the next CAPTAIN AMERICA film! Nolan 發表於 2015-4-25 16:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Elizabeth Olsen will reprise her role in the next CAPTAIN AMERICA film!
How about Don Cheadle? jayjay 發表於 2015-4-25 16:35 static/image/common/back.gif
How about Don Cheadle?
There's not been any announcement yet!
But it seems not making any sense if he didn't appear in CIVIL WAR!! Nolan 發表於 2015-4-25 16:46 static/image/common/back.gif
There's not been any announcement yet!
But it seems not making any sense if he didn't appear in CI ...
Are you gonna watch ANT-MAN? jayjay 發表於 2015-4-25 16:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Are you gonna watch ANT-MAN?
Probably. Are you? Why have you been writing movie critic in English recently?
You used to be writing in Chinese!