Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:07

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 19:55 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks for pacifiying me, brother
I don't have a good memory as you do, despite I've alr ...

As a matter of fact, I've been wondering how much TED 2 can earn!
Remember last time, it earned more than $549 million worldwide? It actually broke the records of the Restricted comedies!!

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:16

本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2015-3-21 20:18 編輯

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:07 static/image/common/back.gif
As a matter of fact, I've been wondering how much TED 2 can earn!
Remember last time, it earned mo ...

To be frank, I appreciate the first TED movie and consider it the best comedy, but since watching A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST, I've already lost faith in Seth, I hope it won't suck like TAKEN 3 does.

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:25

本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2015-3-21 20:27 編輯

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:16 static/image/common/back.gif
To be frank, I appreciate the first TED movie and consider it the best comedy, but since watching...

I have no idea why RUN ALL NIGHT ain't doing well at the boxoffice as it's truly been received postively by the spectators!
That's awkward! NON-STOP and UNKNOWN were both lucrative but this one's opening weekend is even lower than A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES!

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:33

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:25 static/image/common/back.gif
I have no idea why RUN ALL NIGHT ain't doing well at the boxoffice as it's truly been received pos ...

I personally assume that it could be: Neeson advocated guns control last few months, he actually pissed the American citizens off, that led to people boycotting RUN ALL NIGHT.

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:37

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:33 static/image/common/back.gif
I personally assume that it could be: Neeson advocated guns control last few months, he actually p ...

Oh I see.
But will there be any sequels? Will it be able to earn a good deal of money in China?

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:54

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 20:37 static/image/common/back.gif
Oh I see.
But will there be any sequels? Will it be able to earn a good deal of money in China?

According to the information that provided by Mojo, the spectators are largely women, the male spectators are less than 48%.
The direction of RUN ALL NIGHT is crystal clear, there won't be any sequels.

Apparently, it won't earn much in China as it talks about the gangsters, China does not encourage any criminal activities even it alway does many things sinful.

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 21:13

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 20:54 static/image/common/back.gif
According to the information that provided by Mojo, the spectators are largely women, the male spe ...

RUN ALL NIGHT is a good movie, its boxoffice won't be that bad, may be it can reach over $150 million ultimately!
Who knows? Miracle always arises!

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 21:21

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 21:13 static/image/common/back.gif
RUN ALL NIGHT is a good movie, its boxoffice won't be that bad, may be it can reach over $150 mill ...

I hope so, there might be some miraculous changes for RUN ALL NIGHT.

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 21:44

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-21 21:21 static/image/common/back.gif
I hope so, there might be some miraculous changes for RUN ALL NIGHT.

To us, boxoffice ain't significant but the qualities!!

jayjay 發表於 2015-3-22 01:20

Nolan 發表於 2015-3-21 21:44 static/image/common/back.gif
To us, boxoffice ain't significant but the qualities!!

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查看完整版本: 惡有惡報,因果循環《一夜狂逃》Run All Night 觀後感

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