MingSir 發表於 2015-4-2 23:23

firmware support 同部機做得好唔好完全無關係!師兄可能唔係好清楚現在的 bluray 嘅發展!

qaz123 發表於 2015-4-2 23:29

MingSir 發表於 2015-4-2 23:23 static/image/common/back.gif
firmware support 同部機做得好唔好完全無關係!師兄可能唔係好清楚現在的 bluray 嘅發展!


MingSir 發表於 2015-4-3 12:21

本帖最後由 MingSir 於 2015-4-3 12:24 編輯

賜教就唔敢當,祇是想指出, firmware update 係用來配合 bluray 碟嘅「語言亅更新,當然亦有用作debug 或 bug fix 用途,這是任何一部 bluray player 都要面對的,與部機製作好壞無關而矣,有錯請指證!

Since the Blu-ray format has not been standardized, AACS keys and their decryption methods change from one movie producer to another. This keeps hackers from ‘cracking’ the encryption keys and making copies of the movie and selling or uploading it online. If the player doesn’t recognize or can’t process any of the AACS keys, the disc may not play properly or at all.

Many new movies also utilize Java scripting which can cause compatibility problems. Unlike DVDs that just contain a Movie and a Title, Blu-ray discs have many added features with advanced coding that some players may not be able to read.If new discs have an unrecognizable code the disc will fail to read, and the Blu-ray Player will need a firmware update.

cth516 發表於 2015-4-8 15:49

105D {:6_193:}

blackcolor 發表於 2015-4-8 18:07

Lx88 {:6_235:}

pareto 發表於 2015-4-8 19:04

2星期前買了LX88, 真係好正無買錯

ww1338 發表於 2015-4-8 19:15

我問過oppo,佢地都話105D好過103D好多。{:6_174:} {:6_135:}

kelvinchan 發表於 2015-4-8 20:05

ww1338 發表於 2015-4-8 19:15 static/image/common/back.gif

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查看完整版本: 3 部 blu Ray player, 點選擇好?

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