aoc903 發表於 2015-3-19 19:09

beta firmware

Release date: 17 MARCH 2015
Firmware version: 01-02-150313-25-POP-427-802

- improve on Dolby TrueHD passthrough audio drop or audio-out-of-sync problem (reduce chance of happening)
- added DVD-ISO/IFO playback (without DVD-menu)
- fixed setup wizard always show no internet connection in china
- fixed mkv/BD subtitle does not follow subtitle language selection in setup page
- using fastforward and fastrewind key to rotate photo during photo playback
- using red color key to start playback from the beginning of video when there is bookmark
- using up/down key for fast percentage seek during video playback
- using tvmode+color key to switch tv mode:
    tvmode+red    : auto
    tvmode+green: 720p60Hz
    tvmode+yellow : 1080p50Hz
    tvmode+blue   : 4K30Hz
- added utf-16 support for smi subtitle
- improve korean translation
- improve subtitle time offset setting respond time
- improve on arabic subtitle being cropped issue
- fixed cannot access to samba share folder with space character in its name
- fixed DSD no sound after resume from 4x fast forward
- fixed unable to play some video from apps market
- fixed unable to seek on some video from apps market
- fixed youtube app sometimes does not start playback from the beginning
- fixed sometimes the first few subtitles does not showed
- fixed idx subtitle is showed when subtitle is off
- fixed bdmv sometimes have no audio output
- fixed using remote control app when screen saver is out will crash the system
- fixed some mkv showed wrong framerate info
- fixed step icon missing when step forward video
- fixed some mp4 experience short audio drop after seek
- fixed system hang when browsing into BDMV folder with filter set to Music or Photo
- fixed sometime BDMV subtitle does not show out after switching subtitle
- change subtitle selection to be the first item in subtitle menu during video playback

nanona 發表於 2015-3-24 15:39

aoc903 發表於 2015-3-24 16:52

nanona 發表於 2015-3-24 15:39 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching, 部機update 完後穩定嗎,Dolby 及字幕問題又okay 嗎, Thanks
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...

Atmos 未得, 字幕auto 開, 但fast forward 時, 字幕會off 左, jump 和next chap 就唔會. 操作反應明顯快左。

nanona 發表於 2015-3-24 20:32

aoc903 發表於 2015-3-24 21:54

nanona 發表於 2015-3-24 20:32 static/image/common/back.gif
咁 Dolby HD 又如何
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

個人感覺疾次數少左好多, 但仍有。

nanona 發表於 2015-3-25 14:31

阿風 發表於 2015-4-3 22:47

想問下 e 部出唔出到 BD Full Menu?

因為 Open Hour 可以, 不過質素差 d....

nellwill 發表於 2015-4-3 23:25

阿風 發表於 2015-4-3 22:47 static/image/common/back.gif
想問下 e 部出唔出到 BD Full Menu?

因為 Open Hour 可以, 不過質素差 d....

No BD Full Menu

阿風 發表於 2015-4-4 12:56

BD-103D 播 wav / flac 的質素....

本帖最後由 阿風 於 2015-4-4 13:10 編輯

nellwill 發表於 2015-4-3 23:25 static/image/common/back.gif
No BD Full Menu

Thx....咁都係好似 JB 左的 bluray player 好d....?

其實廠方唔出 BD FULL MENU 都應該係怕得罪果個聯盟, 搵人係出面放過 JB 版得唔得....

aoc903 發表於 2015-4-4 14:50

阿風 發表於 2015-4-4 12:56 static/image/common/back.gif
Thx....咁都係好似 JB 左的 bluray player 好d....?

好似話粒chip做唔到full bd menu. Vten 上了最新的firmware, 但atmos 都係未得. 自己用開pioneer 450 ( jb Mr. HD version ), 純個人意見聲畫都係450好好多.
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