windwolf447 發表於 2014-12-19 01:17

lokkk 發表於 2014-12-19 00:14 static/image/common/back.gif
繼roxanne後, 對jh都無乜期望了


dezispop 發表於 2014-12-19 09:27

等下星期head-fi review{:6_183:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

windwolf447 發表於 2014-12-19 11:50

dezispop 發表於 2014-12-19 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif
等下星期head-fi review
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)


LAYLA真係貴到痴線,UNIVERSAL FIT都要$2499, 不過定位係工作用耳機,頻響曲線調成水平線,可能聽歌未必會好好聽了,影片中亦講低頻比ROXANNE薄聲同弱,當然分析力可能係入耳式嘅新高點

sw69 發表於 2014-12-19 13:24

windwolf447 發表於 2014-12-19 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif

$2499 US {:6_243:} {:6_243:}

tleonard 發表於 2014-12-19 13:53

sw69 發表於 2014-12-19 13:24 static/image/common/back.gif
$2499 US

玩 Ref1 加 Über2 仲好?

lokkk 發表於 2014-12-19 17:51

windwolf447 發表於 2014-12-19 01:17 static/image/common/back.gif


derekyws 發表於 2014-12-19 20:42


windwolf447 發表於 2014-12-19 22:23

唉,我都唔理了,剛訂左隻Roxanne cm. 到時Layla有demo就去試下吧。如果真係超越Roxanne 好多,咪再儲下錢囉,音響發燒友同音響公司嘅關係都係一個願捱,一個咪願打囉LOL

tson 發表於 2014-12-19 22:45


dezispop 發表於 2014-12-20 00:10

Compare from Roxanne by someone {:1_338:}

Listening to the Layla was like jumping off from another starting point well ahead of the Roxanne. I could throw comparisons out there, like going from Grado 325is (great headphones) to an Audeze LCD-X (one of my favorite cans of all-time). Or, from a stereo perspective, jumping from a pair of Nola Boxers into their Grand Reference System! Everything simply got bigger, wider, more dynamic in overall scope than my Roxanne.

I remember picking Caribou's "All I Ever Need" from their new album Our Love (I reviewed the album for Positive Feedback) because of it's non-stop, drivy tech-house vibe. I wanted to feel Layla's impact, and few albums are better than Our Love from an acid track standpoint: the low end thump, lush mids and highs, and spaciousness are a sonic exploration in and of itself.

The sound through Layla was huge. Pure and simple. It was much bigger in dynamic scope and emotive impact than I could have ever imagined before hearing it. Listening to Our Love via Layla felt like... during that track I made a note in my iPhone...

好似幾有趣 {:1_344:}
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查看完整版本: JH Audio同AK合作出新野 - Layla & Angie

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