發表於 2014-11-6 12:23
hangson 發表於 2014-11-6 12:09 static/image/common/back.gif
我都覺, 同埋慳位好多.
又係神奇喎...42" 一上就 48" 49"...冇中間 46" 咁樣...如果有就一次滿足兩個願望...呵
發表於 2014-11-6 12:28
shtam 發表於 2014-11-6 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
又係神奇喎...42" 一上就 48" 49"...冇中間 46" 咁樣...如果有就一次滿足兩個願望...呵
都知掛牆係慳位. ...
插線都係開頭一兩次姐. 你唔會無啦啦插左又拔, 拔完又插掛.TV喎, 又唔係女. {:6_176:}
冇46"咩, 應該有架喎.
發表於 2014-11-6 13:54
hangson 發表於 2014-11-6 12:28 static/image/common/back.gif
插線都係開頭一兩次姐. 你唔會無啦啦插左又拔, 拔完又插掛.TV喎, 又唔係女.
冇46"咩, 應該 ...
如果 hdmi input 唔夠...或者啲線加加減減都總有機會要插嚟插去嘅...
我意思係唔覺眼有 46" 嘅 4K 款式...
發表於 2014-11-6 14:12
shtam 發表於 2014-11-6 13:54 static/image/common/back.gif
如果 hdmi input 唔夠...或者啲線加加減減都總有機會要插嚟插去嘅...
我意思係唔覺眼有 46" 嘅 4K 款式. ...
唔難既. LG個個掛牆架係可以拉出黎, 我都幾鐘意.
可能冇擺出黎姐. 你試下問D SALES 佢地就會介紹
發表於 2014-11-6 16:26
shtam 發表於 2014-11-6 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
又係神奇喎...42" 一上就 48" 49"...冇中間 46" 咁樣...如果有就一次滿足兩個願望...呵
都知掛牆係慳位. ...
when you have 46", you will ask for 44" or 47".....
go for a bigger one or you will easily regret
two years ago i had 50" for living room and had itchy arse symptom after a early this year i have a 65" to replace the 50", and the 50" to replace the 40" in the bedroom.
now cannot afford the 80+", and really no room to install anything bigger than 65" so everything seems fine now
發表於 2014-11-6 16:32
smokeyduck 發表於 2014-11-6 16:26 static/image/common/back.gif
when you have 46", you will ask for 44" or 47".....
go for a bigger one or you will easily regret ...
of coz u can...provided that ur living room is deep enough to sit far away for a 65"...but just not for my case sorry... :/
that's why i said my gf may still feel okay with 42" but a bit risky to get a 47"-49"...she would feel dizzy...
just hopefully i can have a bigger living room someday in future...:)
發表於 2014-11-6 18:09
my living is about 6'-7' from wall to wall.the 50" seems big for such distance but after installation it works fine.
have it mount on the wall you will save a few inches.get the one with narrower margin the whole tv looks smaller.
i highly recommend to mount it on the wall as i don't think anybody will have to plug and unplug cables every week.once well setup, you may not need to do it.also, you can have the centre speaker just under the tv without having any surrounding to affect the performance.
by the way, my first apartment was probably about 7' from wall to wall
發表於 2014-11-10 07:55
shtam 發表於 2014-11-6 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
又係神奇喎...42" 一上就 48" 49"...冇中間 46" 咁樣...如果有就一次滿足兩個願望...呵
都知掛牆係慳位. ...
以前有好多46 MODEL架, 唔知係咪唔好賣, 所以依家一上就48 - 49呢?? 又可以係4K面板既問題, 42"跟本唔需要 4K呢~~~~
發表於 2014-11-10 08:55
本帖最後由 victor_wong 於 2014-11-10 08:59 編輯
其實可以考慮下 sony 8500 有 55吋,如果睇 16:9 的戲,也不會太大,昨日剛見街播,即刻對 三星的 curve 冇曬興趣,我由 40 上 46,一點不覺太大,55 一定冇死錯人呢。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2014-11-10 09:29
victor_wong 發表於 2014-11-10 08:55 static/image/common/back.gif
其實可以考慮下 sony 8500 有 55吋,如果睇 16:9 的戲,也不會太大,昨日剛見街播,即刻對 三星的 curve...
55" 對我個廳嚟講真係太大喇...女友睇到頭暈就唔好啦...
同佢去豐澤睇過 47"-49" 都 okay...咁而家就等等 panasonic 係咪真係會有 hktv app 喇...
而家 hktv website 淨係寫 sony 係 coming soon...有人話原本有 panasonic 但係又唔見咗...
雖然 LG 同三叔都已經有 hktv app...不過既然會有日牌就等多陣先... {:1_259:}