我條 7000D 都係用開關牛之麻。
開關牛, 有無相睇, 幾錢及如何買? 請師兄分享下. 我果隻用 toroidal transformer ,價錢有點貴,但真係正。
RE: Magic TV MTV5000 trade in
joelcan 發表於 2014-8-14 00:23 static/image/common/back.gif請問部舊MTV5000 trade in咗幾錢?
是否科學園trade in 好壞都收?
MTV5000 trade in price: $700
My MTV5000 has receiving problem that they also accept trade in. kinchung 發表於 2014-8-14 08:22 static/image/common/back.gif
我果隻用 toroidal transformer ,價錢有點貴,但真係正。
小弟搵朋友diy 左三隻牛: EI, switching, 環牛。
用黎插 3200, 3200d, 7000d。
這是小弟所得個人經驗。 本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2014-8-14 10:57 編輯
kop138 發表於 2014-8-14 08:14 static/image/common/back.gif
開關牛, 有無相睇, 幾錢及如何買? 請師兄分享下.
搵朋友 diy 的。同褸上師兄隻差不多。
用左500 度。
師兄去揾揾。 我部7000D又係經常話翡翠台及明珠台無訊號喎, 係咪部機又就嚟到期呢? 幫佢換隻牛會唔會有幫助? plnl88 發表於 2014-8-14 10:55 static/image/common/back.gif
搵朋友 diy 的。同褸上師兄隻差不多。
用左500 度。
多謝師兄資料. 去找找. If only 2 channels have the receiving problem, I will suggest you to call the building maintenance contractor via property management office to check before making conclusion.
Replace a power supply should not improve the receiving ability of your MTV7000D.
Only 5xx, oh.... you guys are very smart. 本帖最後由 Szelong 於 2014-8-14 12:52 編輯
我都係用switching power supply 再加電子穩壓防止頻率改變
MTV5000 粒chip 係靚過3800 ,所以我upgrade 都係上8000 唔係去3800
3800 係3000 既upgrade 版 1234567890