scoobychau 發表於 2014-8-4 12:45

買tv經歷分享 Sony 50" vs Pana 50"

panasonic 50" ET60HvsSony W800B
Passive vs Active.
Same price range

I usually watch TV and MKV only.. even 3d is MKV SBS file...
and worry family can not handle active 3d glasses...
little gaming only. ( did not buy ps4 yet)

test了pana47"et 3d功能左右sbs片, 可能因為電視擺得太低3 d功能不是太好,有很多鬼影.冇50"ET...但係有sony 50" 800b, 可惜冇眼鏡,無得試

都係冇panasonic et...有sony 800 b,但係擺到老連咁高所以佢話試唔到,(介紹我去太古凶宅可以試)

無panasonic et,冇800 b, try to 比我試下高檔的sony active 3d..但是最後找不到.....眼鏡, 無得試

都係冇panasonic et, 但係果然真係有800b, 放係低位,可以試3d.
load 左上下3d片,走左去攞眼鏡,攞左傅passive lg鏡佢自己試, 我已經問佢呢部唔係active?

再去找眼鏡, 終於搵到傅active眼鏡, 跟住去將副眼鏡放係上面果部samsung電視到connect..... (我O釃嘴)再用副眼鏡望落下面部sony電視到……



最最後佢講左句真心話,佢話出得呢個價錢買samsung lg靚好多

waste my time...

聽日唯有去北角p shop see see ET..

Day 2
路經megabox "SO令"

set 比我試……
但都係無sony 眼鏡


sony 係咪得罪左各大連鎖店,,,,,,

raytse91 發表於 2014-8-4 14:46

我都覺得佢地淨系sell lg同三星!其他就吾sell! 因為lg 同三星佣高

aBadguy 發表於 2014-8-4 15:05


師兄何不去Sony Pro Shop先睇一部機, 再去Pana shop睇另一部, 可能不能同場比較, 但總好過去到O物都冇

scoobychau 發表於 2014-8-4 15:48

aBadguy 發表於 2014-8-4 15:05 static/image/common/back.gif

師兄何不去Sony Pro Shop先睇一部機, 再去Pana shop睇另一部, 可能不能同場比較, 但總 ...

最後去到pana shop 試到50" ET60H,先試2d->3d美斯 足球片,由於是2D轉3D,所以校果唔出...
找了一會片,再試K-pop LEFT RIGHT 3d 和 Iron manUp Down 3D....  D片bitrate 好low,都唔清,就算D校果ok,唔清都無用啦…

Will go to sony store next.

leoleoc 發表於 2014-8-4 22:19

本帖最後由 leoleoc 於 2014-8-4 22:24 編輯

Ching, 說一些AV行業的事你知,以前有些出得起錢的牌子(韓系),
Sale 一部某型號或以上的TV,代理會送$1500超市券給Sales,再加公司佣金,

leoleoc 發表於 2014-8-4 22:29


scoobychau 發表於 2014-8-5 10:54

Went to sony store... and finally tested.

really nice color and black with the 3d blurray . but.. the active shutter is really annoying.. especially when there is a CFL light tube right behind the TV....

(i checked online... and similar thing will happen to LED lamp....)

at last. i took my USB with demo file to PANA shop to test.. with good result.
This time.. the sellsman finally took out some high quality file to show me after i am done with mine.

Color is not as vivid and nice as Sony... (but sony color is...a bit too intensive), the panasonic 3d is sharp and great

Brought the panasonic at last

ginson 發表於 2014-8-5 12:02

It's good to hear you finally can test both TV and find one for you, congrat!

inagawa 發表於 2014-8-5 15:55

點解唔去 銅鑼灣 avlife/sony pro shop試???百/瘋個d食屎喇。放部電視無眼鏡????個型濕柴淨係叫你買韓貨ja.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

ms_driller 發表於 2014-8-5 17:48

scoobychau 發表於 2014-8-5 10:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Went to sony store... and finally tested.

really nice color and black with the 3d blurray . but.. t ...

I asked the price of 50et60 in pana shop last week.It was about 10k without any gift. I am still choosing it or lg 49ub8500.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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