stjo 發表於 2014-8-5 20:42

ms_driller 發表於 2014-8-5 17:48 static/image/common/back.gif
I asked the price of 50et60 in pana shop last week.It was about 10k without any gift. I am still c ...

我一定唔會揀泡菜電視,pana 5年保已經贏晒啦。

scoobychau 發表於 2019-4-27 00:22

2014 aug i got this tv
Today is 2019 april.. The rv is broken with bad flickering screen

4 months before the 5 yrs expiration...

I hope panasonic can fix my 3d... There is no more 3d tv in the market now...

vincent369 發表於 2019-4-27 18:02

本帖最後由 vincent369 於 2019-4-27 19:04 編輯

scoobychau 發表於 2019-4-27 00:22
2014 aug i got this tv
Today is 2019 april.. The rv is broken with bad flickering screen

I went to this shop last 2 weeks ago and found that they had stock of new 50EX750H (4K 3D HDR10 120Hz edge lit va panel), you can check with them if you want 4K 3D TV.

The 3D quality of EX750 is very good as my friend is using 65EX750H.

Remarks: EX750 uses active 3D instead of passive 3D of ET60.

realworld360 發表於 2019-4-27 20:27

可惜大眾冇咁心水清好易比sales 說左去買韓系 搞到日系機係香港唔賣得 日本公司更唔肯放資源落香港{:1_255:}

iwc 發表於 2019-4-30 16:56

realworld360 發表於 2019-4-27 20:27
可惜大眾冇咁心水清好易比sales 說左去買韓系 搞到日系機係香港唔賣得 日本公司更唔肯放資源落香港{:1_255: ...


iwc 發表於 2019-4-30 17:02

stjo 發表於 2014-8-5 20:42
我一定唔會揀泡菜電視,pana 5年保已經贏晒啦。


scoobychau 發表於 2019-5-3 14:31

iwc 發表於 2019-4-30 16:56
當年pan嘅爬時麻已經無響香港推頂級機,最後一代祗推vt60,zt60香港就無緣了! ...

My Pana plasma is dead.... no more

now my Pana 3d LED... is almost dead.. but it fixed it self.. before the 5 yrs dead line.. i must get it fix asap
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查看完整版本: 買tv經歷分享 Sony 50" vs Pana 50"

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