mail2sampson 發表於 2014-7-20 17:24

mini pc + mpd & LMS

本帖最後由 mail2sampson 於 2014-7-24 14:04 編輯

Having bought the mini pc for about one week. Ubuntu, MPD, LMS and Squeezlite were installed. I have a Daphile system and I found that the sound of flac file (44/16, 96/24)for LIVA is much better than my Daphile on EEEPC. The music background playing with MPD and LMS is so "quiet" for LIVA mini pc. However, I can't find any difference between AC supply and Li-polymer battery supply. Maybe my AMP, SPK and DAC are too cheap.

Also the testing files is stored locally on LIVA mini pc but not NAS.
Comparing the sound for playing flac file between MPD and LMS + Squeezelite, LMS is more 音樂感 and 立體感, 音場較深和濶, 分析力較高.

Config is needed to enable MPD and LMS to play DSD Dop. The DSD sound quality of MPD is not as good as LMS and Daphile on my EEEPC. But the sound quality of all the flac files (MPD and LMS) on this mini pc is much better than Daphile on MY EEEPC. (Maybe my eeepc is too slow and too many electronic components.)

Playing DSD file using MPD (AV show 2007)

Playing DSD file using MPD (AV show 2007)

william02 發表於 2014-7-20 17:48

liva ubuntu 對usb支援仲有bug,唔係所有dac都fully supported. ..尚要時間
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

mail2sampson 發表於 2014-7-20 18:00

william02 發表於 2014-7-20 17:48 static/image/common/back.gif
liva ubuntu 對usb支援仲有bug,唔係所有dac都fully supported. ..尚要時間
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...

It doesn't a matter since my Teac UD501 indeed can receive and play DSD, flac signals/files from LIVA mini pc through USB 3.0 without any problem.

mail2sampson 發表於 2014-7-21 14:39

本帖最後由 mail2sampson 於 2014-7-24 13:58 編輯

Supplementary information:
Hard disk usage after install the Ubuntu (Download "ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso" -->

6.19G is used and 20G could be used to install program like MPD, LMS

Download and Install LMS 7.9:

Install Squeezlite:

Install playDSD plugin for Dop of dsf and dff file (One of the two developers is Daphile author, Kimmo):

Finally, configuration of Squeezelite is needed in order to show the the PlayDSD menu. Select "Enable DSD over PCM":

WHLAU 發表於 2014-7-28 22:27

Hi C Hing, have you tried installing Daphile on Liva? If yes, how is the sound quality?

And have you installed additional RAM into Liva to make sure that Ubuntu + MPD can work smoothly on this small machine? Or is it true that the basic config of Liva as bought from the store is already good enough?

william02 發表於 2014-7-28 22:37

WHLAU 發表於 2014-7-28 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi C Hing, have you tried installing Daphile on Liva? If yes, how is the sound quality?

And have yo ...

daphile is not able to install on liva since bios supporting

also,ram for ubuntu is enough,maybe more is better. ..
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

PhantomGTR 發表於 2014-7-29 12:20

I didn't find the sound from Daphile is really good, in comparing with other similar products.Yet it's UI is most friendly.

mail2sampson 發表於 2014-7-29 14:01

本帖最後由 mail2sampson 於 2014-7-29 14:09 編輯

WHLAU 發表於 2014-7-28 22:27
Hi C Hing, have you tried installing Daphile on Liva? If yes, how is the sound quality?

And have yo ...

Hi WHLAU Ching,
Daphile could not be installed on this pc since Daphile is not a UEFI bootable image. Also, it is not possible to upgrade the RAM or Harddisk. In my opinion, the specification of this little pc is more than enough to run Ubuntu + MPD + LMS. It would better not to install or not to run desktop environment (GUI / X window) and other unnecessary Daemons if you worry about the performance of it. Some people may want it to be only concentrate on playing music so only basic OS and music playing program should be installed.

My LIVA equipped with Intel Celeron N2807 (Not Intel Celeron N2806). As I know that "Intel Celeron N2807" is used for the recent product. You could find the performance test on
The Atom D2700 ,which is compare with Intel Celeron N2806, is used in Synology DS 713+

I do agree with PhantomGTR Ching that the sound quality given by Daphile is similar with LMS and MPD. However, the big difference may be due to the difference in hardware. Also, Daphile is used LMS for playing music. I also agree that LMS / Daphile isthe most user friendly music player program. In fact, a lot of volunteers are engageing in the development of LMS and plus-in.

SundayDrivers 發表於 2014-7-29 15:43

請問如 LIVA 安裝 Win8.1 + Fidelizer 5.0 + Jriver 播 DSF 會唔會有好聲表現呢?

william02 發表於 2014-7-29 16:25

SundayDrivers 發表於 2014-7-29 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif
請問如 LIVA 安裝 Win8.1 + Fidelizer 5.0 + Jriver 播 DSF 會唔會有好聲表現呢?

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