alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-16 18:26

sony zx1 耗電問題 請師兄指教指教

一日待機無左 20 -30 % 電都夠膽死 >.<
有無師兄 有同樣問題呀 有無方法解決 thx !!
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

fai514 發表於 2014-7-16 19:20


黑翼菜鳥 發表於 2014-7-16 19:21


alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-16 20:13

希望下次update 可以改善喇 {:6_187:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

Lomen 發表於 2014-7-16 21:06

參照以下link 關閉多種服務睇吓有冇幫助:

alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-16 22:52

Lomen 發表於 2014-7-16 21:06 static/image/common/back.gif
參照以下link 關閉多種服務睇吓有冇幫助:

試緊 thx 師兄{:6_193:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-17 13:35

本帖最後由 alexkwok1982 於 2014-7-17 13:38 編輯

跟住師兄提供資料做一次 有明顯 改善 正
比前日慳電好多 連play 5 個幾鐘都仲有 70% 電 待機 都係最食電 .. 唔見意長期待機 唔用就關機 最少聽到 20 個鐘 多d都ok 喇 {:6_183:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

akira11092 發表於 2014-7-17 14:41

alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-17 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
跟住師兄提供資料做一次 有明顯 改善 正
比前日慳電好多 連play 5 個幾鐘都仲有 70% 電 待機 都係最食電 . ...

1.) 唔好待機, 唔聽就即刻熄機 !
2.) 唔駛跟果個大陸網做咁多野, 祇要將 DSEE HX 關閉便可


alexkwok1982 發表於 2014-7-18 13:42

akira11092 發表於 2014-7-17 14:41 static/image/common/back.gif
1.) 唔好待機, 唔聽就即刻熄機 !
2.) 唔駛跟果個大陸網做咁多野, 祇要將 DSEE HX 關閉便可

唔可以待機真係好雞肋 一開個mon 玩幾下都覺得好食電 {:6_125:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

edgarcpu 發表於 2014-7-18 14:46

Copy from Sony website:

Battery Life (continuous playback)
Actual battery life may vary depending on settings. The estimated battery usage hours shown below are based on typical usage conditions with “Settings for battery life measurement” as shown in the table below.
MP3 128 kbps
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 32 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 23 Hrs

Linear PCM 1,411 kbps
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 34 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 24 Hrs

FLAC 96 kHz/24 bit
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 25 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 16 Hrs

FLAC 192 kHz/24 bit
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 16 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 7 Hrs

DSD (*1) (2.8224 MHz/1 bit)
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 10 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 6 Hrs
MPEG-4 384 kbps
Bluetooth OFF: approx. 5 Hrs
Bluetooth ON: approx. 5 Hrs
Even if the player is turned off for an extended period, a small amount of battery power is still consumed.
Battery life may vary depending on volume setting, conditions of use and ambient temperature.
Settings for battery life measurement
Brightness (*2): Default

Sound adjustment
ClearAudio+ (*3): OFF (default setting: OFF)
Equalizer (*4): OFF (default setting: OFF)
Surround sound (*4): OFF (default setting: OFF)
DSEE HX (*4)(*5): OFF (default setting: OFF)
Dynamic normalizer (*4): OFF (default setting: OFF)
xLOUD (*4): OFF (default setting: ON)
Clear Phase (*4): OFF (default setting: ON)
(*1) DSD format is available for Walkman software that has been updated to Ver.1.10 or later.
(*2) The maxmum brightness setting shortens the battery life for continuous video playback by about 27 % compared with the default setting.
(*3) The setting shortens the battery life about 37 % compared with the setting.
(*4) Setting to other than , to other than , to , to , to and to shortens the battery life for continuous music playback by about 77 %.
(*5) The setting shortens the battery life about 66 % compared with the setting.
頁: [1] 2 3
查看完整版本: sony zx1 耗電問題 請師兄指教指教

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