matthew 發表於 2009-9-5 11:22


Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 12:00

pepsiman 發表於 2009-9-4 23:30

vrunrun 發表於 2009-9-5 12:30

好有心機的報告,GOOD REPORT {:1_351:}

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 12:33

11# pepsiman

PS Hing
你指 效果喇叭(presence speaker)負責效果及人聲部分,
即set presence with center 相同 EQ?

bbbaba 發表於 2009-9-5 12:49

睇完明白點解d人講YAMAHA AMP 正同難SET! 不過對YAMAHA AMP 即時多佐興趣.

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 13:07

EQ setting of AV amp is vey important

Auto Cal. EQ cut 左好多野
用Manual set 把1kHz人聲提高
also re-set EQ of surround and subwoofer:thumbsup:

3800好似upgrade左 仲有排學set EQ:thumbsup:

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 13:11

之前同另1 Ching 玩Yamaha EQ 佢sharing with me...想嚮度都同大家分享下
it hard to tell u here but one thing i can sure , go ask patrick in tom lee how to set because its all from him,he told me about this ,i was so stupid that i go asked them how come my 3800 have no power compare to their show room??? and i can tell u at least 30% dynamic different(they use stock cable only) , not blow water , tell him to use flat eq n after tune to ab test n u will see how suck the auto set up , i find out this thing because i m really unhappy when i just got my 3800 , its too soft n slow , but after he teach me , i won't say powerful than 4308 but equal at least but with yamaha's surround field, thats the point i upgrade from onkyo 805 with power amp .the sound quality of 805 was betterbut no "sound wall" at all, u can go try sony5300 or 5400 as well ,its really good n similar as yamaha , my next move was 5400 if i can leave my 3800....hehehe

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 13:11

EQ is very intesting...Learn more from each other...{:6_134:}

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 13:12

1kHz 是人聲, 推到+5 ----+6db真係有力, 人聲出, detail保留,
我再在16kHz高音推高+3db 動感多左, 但遠遠未做到其它CHing 改善30%
我又係60Hz左右加大+3db, 今次立刻booming, 正牙, 改返+2db就好好多,

PS.強列建議D高手開個Topic講 EQ setting of AV amp:thumbsup::clap:
嘩CHing佢改善左30%, 萬幾銀AV amp, 米賺左約4-5k, :thumbsup:

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-5 13:14

In my case:
1kHz 我推到+5db,(Max +6db)

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