極地雪 發表於 2014-6-20 16:13

Pioneer LX-87 DSD 點燈成功 ^.^v

話說小弟早排家有要事,好耐都無攪家中d 音響,仲諗住變賣全部家檔!

但機緣巧合下撞到一位舊朋友,上左去佢間屋度閒談,期間佢播佢d NAS 音樂,器材唔算咩名貴野,

但音樂感一流,期間我問佢個d 咩file 黎, 佢就話普通DSD file , 計我話就一D 都唔普通,無論我用咩ape , flac

任何無損既file 都出唔到咁靚聲,我位朋友話任何一部器材解到DSD 碼都一定靚聲過FLAC / ape !

我原本唔太信,返去用部P 記 LX 87 播出黎,即刻無聲出,亦都因為咁,重燃左我聽歌既動力。

估唔到用av amp 做DSD 解碼駁合併機出黎既話會可以咁好{:6_134:} {:6_135:}

jjjjjn 發表於 2014-6-20 16:39

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

louis001 發表於 2014-6-20 17:22

本帖最後由 louis001 於 2014-6-20 17:25 編輯

就算你用BDP 播sacd 用hdmi 出都好好聲啦 {:6_127:}

bigair 發表於 2014-6-20 18:10


jjjjjn 發表於 2014-6-20 18:17

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

MDLP 發表於 2014-6-20 19:15

louis001 發表於 2014-6-20 17:22 static/image/common/back.gif
就算你用BDP 播sacd 用hdmi 出都好好聲啦

請教Oppo如何由HDMI出DSD ?

louis001 發表於 2014-6-20 19:20

本帖最後由 louis001 於 2014-6-20 19:25 編輯

MDLP 發表於 2014-6-20 19:15 static/image/common/back.gif
請教Oppo如何由HDMI出DSD ?

OPPO 93 設定聲效可以選 PCM 或 DSD 我以前用609 都可以點到燈
但751r 冇 dsd 袛有 pcm

menu 68頁

SACD Output
: To select audio output format for SACD. The options are:

– SACD Direct Stream Digital (DSD) data is converted into multi-channel, high-
resolution PCM data. The converted PCM data is then output through HDMI or the internal
DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) for the analog audio output ports. If you use a receiver that
supports HDMI v1.1 to listen to SACD, please select this option. You may also want to select
this option if you prefer the sound quality of the DSD-to-PCM conversion.

– SACD DSD data is output over HDMI without any conversion. For the analog audio
outputs, DSD data is converted into analog signal directly by the internal DAC. If you use a
receiver that supports HDMI v1.2a with DSD over HDMI, or you prefer the sound quality of
straight DSD to analog, please select this option.


If your receiver supports HDMI v1.3 with decoding capability for high resolution lossless audio
formats such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Maste
r Audio, please set
these audio format
Secondary Audio: Off
(or On if you need secondary audio)
HDMI Audio: Bitstream
SACD Output: PCM
(or DSD if the receiver supports DSD over HDMI)
DCD Decoding: On
(or Off if the receiver can decode HDCD)
Coaxial Optical Output:
(any – not in use)
LPCM Rate Limit:
(any – not in use)

MDLP 發表於 2014-6-20 19:24

louis001 發表於 2014-6-20 19:20 static/image/common/back.gif
OPPO 93 設定聲效可以選 PCM 或 DSD 我以前用609 都可以點到燈
但751r 冇 dsd 袛有 pcm...


極地雪 發表於 2014-6-20 20:51

本帖最後由 極地雪 於 2014-6-20 20:54 編輯

唔知播唔播到 DSD 5.6 既file ,有無Ching 試過ok 嗎?

唔知5.6 同2.8 d 聲差得遠唔遠呢
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Pioneer LX-87 DSD 點燈成功 ^.^v

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