部sony 46HX900用了3年多少少,上星期發現轉去HDMI輸入,由105D出畫面,如果我當時是播兩聲道音樂,畫面幾乎靜止,過一分鐘度畫面會暗一暗,再幾秒鐘就自動熄機。之後轉另一HDMI輸入,用magic tv 試,又係一樣。睇tv或bd時又無事。估計係HDMI份輸入有問題。
修理好定换機好?有乜新機可換? PAN記末代PLASMA好嗎?但55"又好似大咗D, 擺唔落。 for my experience, i thought 50" was more than enough so i bought 50" plasma in 2011 (from wall to wall 3m~10').after 2 years of usage and watched a few 3D movies i didn't think the 50" is good for me any more.
luckily my mother-in-law's tv is done so i gave her my bedroom's 40" lcd and put the 50" in my bedroom and............. bought myself a 65" plasma for the living room.i don't find it too big (surely not small) but i still think i can have an even bigger one if i watch 3D. smokeyduck 發表於 2014-5-22 11:38 static/image/common/back.gif
for my experience, i thought 50" was more than enough so i bought 50" plasma in 2011 (from wall to w ...
Ching-i do agree on size bigger the better!!{:6_134:} ching我屋企個廳得100呎都想換55吋 I am using 55" I still feeling small ! go for a big one ! 我眼睛到電視既距離只有6尺,但都換左sony w950 55"
初頭覺得太大,但宜家越睇好似越細甘 lamhokin 發表於 2014-5-22 14:28 static/image/common/back.gif
我眼睛到電視既距離只有6尺,但都換左sony w950 55"
初頭覺得太大,但宜家越睇好似越細甘 ...
{:6_136:} {:6_136:} 都係果句自己感覺最真! 其實而家買4k電視是否早咗d? 電視會越睇越細的.有位放;有大買大{:6_139:}