Andykong 發表於 2013-12-31 15:18

本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2014-1-7 11:55 編輯

thisismyname 發表於 2013-12-31 13:18 static/image/common/back.gif
我沒甚麼隔音的要求, 當用慣了exk就自然習慣了沒隔音時怎樣聆聽音樂, 在較嘈雜如巴士地鐵上, 音樂一響起 ...

我用緊 7550,隔音問題都係其次,風聲先覺得難頂,如果唔係前兩日見到隻超荀價 EXK 已經 upgrade 左了。

隻 7550 現在甚小攞出街,以前晚晚做床頭耳機臨訓聽一陣,買了大耳後就好小用了,真係有點雞肋!

mimicats 發表於 2014-1-2 19:59

旗艦唔係指代表作咩? 依家D商家好鬼濫用呢個詞句 三五八時出一件新野又叫旗艦級
根本上稱得上旗艦產品既就係果間野既代表產品 富有佢既特色

Andykong 發表於 2014-1-7 11:54


[*] 20hz-100hz的低頻應足夠平坦,這非常不容易實現,但對於旗艦耳機來說是應當能夠完成的;
[*]頻響曲線應盡可能光滑,諧振應控制到很小 – 無明顯波折,頻響光滑則表明幾乎無諧振,進而也說明隔板和機殼設計得很好;

t1174 發表於 2014-1-7 12:26

mimicats 發表於 2014-1-2 19:59 static/image/common/back.gif
旗艦唔係指代表作咩? 依家D商家好鬼濫用呢個詞句 三五八時出一件新野又叫旗艦級
根本上稱得上旗艦產品既就 ...

旗艦同代表作很多時不是同一樣, 旗艦一般是指公司出產至頂級的那個系列 PRODUCT, 也有時是指主力 SELL 那東西, 好多時其實冇指明, 但大家也心中有數, 而代表作反而是外間對公司產品出了後來的"結論"或是 SELL RESULT.

Andykong 發表於 2014-1-7 12:40

t1174 發表於 2014-1-7 12:26 static/image/common/back.gif
旗艦同代表作很多時不是同一樣, 旗艦一般是指公司出產至頂級的那個系列 PRODUCT, 也有時是指主力 SELL 那 ...


讀過一篇 EX1000 vs XBA-4 的評論,雖然內容我不完全認同 (主要是 XBA-4) 部份,但對旗艦的概念他解釋得不錯,大家不妨參考參考!

So we have two flagships, both supposedly employing some whizbang proprietary Sony technology and engineering expertise. Which one are we supposed to think is better? Which one does Sony actually think is better?

When a company makes a flagship product, they are making a statement: this one model represents the current state of our art, our understanding of the technical and engineering limitations of the field, our understanding of the needs and wants of the most serious customers in the market. As if to say, ‘If you have the money, buy this one model, and we will show you what we know.’

To preserve the clarity of their ‘statement’, some companies, like Apple, go so far as only to release one model in one category. In the case of the iPhone and the iPad, the one model IS the flagship, and at times marketed as the flagship for the entire industry.

What kind of statement is being made when a company makes two flagship models available at the same time? At the very least, it makes for confusing marketing. Two products cannot simultaneously be ‘the best’. They may be two different efforts to respond to entirely different market segments or technical limitations, but these are considerations and compromises that the average consumer should not be expected to have to sort out. It might be fun to imagine a dream / nightmare world where everyone is a Head-Fi’er and wallets are banned. The reality is that the average consumer, even in the high-end market, really does not have the time nor the inclination to pick through the finer points of differentiation between two flagships.
頁: 1 2 3 4 5 [6]
查看完整版本: 點先算旗艦耳機 (工程/技術角度)? (有中譯)

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