發表於 2013-12-3 00:36
我的編年看起來好像漏了1991年,但其實The Immaculate Collection大碟中的Rescue Me是1991年發行Single,照片已經包括在前面的The Immaculate Collection中。
差不多在Erotica(1992)大碟製作的同期,Madonna參與演出了一部電影A League of Their Own,她為這部電影演唱了一首歌This Used To Be My Playground,但是沒有收錄在Erotica(1992)大碟,還好有European CD Single可以買。
Erotica(1992)大碟發行同時,她也發行了那本著名的Sex,裡面也附上一張title是Erotic的CD Single。這本Sex我當時也買了,印象中好像花了大約1500元台幣左右(大概接近400元港幣吧!),不過在十幾年前搬家時被我丟了,當時認為這本書沒有什麼保存價值。Erotica(1992)大碟的US Long Box右上方就有一張貼紙,告訴fans這本書與大碟同時發行。
我個人認為從Erotica(1992)大碟開始,Madonna開始變得更成熟,至少裡面的歌曲是更成熟的舞曲,而且更重視12" Single的市場。
她早期是唱舞曲起家,但是當時大多由John "Jellybean" Benitez、據說也是她當時的boyfriend做的remix。老實說,Jellybean的remix頂多只能算是extended version,但是為了club friendly而加強了bass與drum的部份,與原本的album version差別其實不大。大概一直等到True Blue的Single版本開始,Shep Pettibone為這首單曲做remix,Madonna的single才開始出現Extended Dance REMIX的型式,主要就是與album version出現不少差異,而不只是extended而已。Who's That Girl(Soundtrack,1987)大碟中的Causing A Commotion,以及You Can Dance(1987)中的Into the Groove是最好的例子,Causing A Commotion的Movie House Mix就遠比Album version出色;Into the Groove大量的Piano間奏,讓original version相對來說顯得單調乏味,這兩個remix version都顯示出Shep Pettibone的remix功力。
Erotica(1992)大碟中的Single,大概都找了至少兩組人馬做remix,不但都發行了內容豐富的US Maxi Single,而且是CD、12"黑膠以及cassette三個版本都有。雖然,在之前的Keep It Together、Vogue、Justify My Love的Single已經開始這樣做,但是顯然當時比較像是在測試市場反應,因為之前的Single除了行之有年的7" Single(for jukebox & radio station DJ),大概從70年代的Disco熱潮開始,才有一些12" Single。CD從1983年問世以來,大概到80年代末期才開始有CD Single逐步推出。而對於Madonna來說,大概一直到Erotica(1992)大碟中的Single才開始變為常態,而且Maxi Single的內容更成熟、豐富,remix style更多樣化。
Bye Bye Baby只有European有發行Maxi CD Single,比較特別的是由Ricky Crespo做remix,他是Robert Clivilles And David Cole(C + C Music Factory)公司的製作人以及musician。Madonna的歌曲發行Single,大概知名的remixer都曾經參與,雖然Robert Clivilles And David Cole沒有親自參與,Ricky Crespo幫忙remix也算意思到了。
Erotica(1992)大碟大概也是Shep Pettibone與Madonna合作的終點,Shep Pettibone不但參與大碟中大部份歌曲的製作,發行的5首Single中,就有2首有參與Remix。Shep Pettibone為Madonna做過remix的歌曲,包括True Blue、Causing A Commotion、Like A Prayer、Express Yourself、Vogue、Rescue Me、Deeper and Deeper、Fever(在Bad Girl的Maxi Single中)、Into the Groove,以及Where's the Party,最後兩首沒有正式發行Single,但可以在You Can Dance(1987)大碟中找到。
Bedtime Stories(1994)大碟已經沒有US Long Box,我當時選擇右上方這個淺藍色的US Limited Edition的digipak包裝。我個人很喜歡這張大碟,這也是Madonna再度轉變風格,首度走R & B路線的舞曲,她找來了Dallas Austin(Boyz Ⅱ Men)、Nellee Hooper(Soul Ⅱ Soul)、Dave "Jam" Hall(Mary J Blige)以及Babyface來參與製作大碟中的歌曲,而大碟也散發濃濃的R & B風格。
至於Single的部份,remix風格不但更加成熟,也融入了更多不同的舞曲元素。Secret的album version是R & B,Maxi Single中的Allstar Mix融入了SWV的R & B風格,Junior Vasquez的remix則使用了ambient,Sound Factory Mix則變成Jungle風。Junior Vasquez後來為Janet Jackson的Runaway以及Twenty Foreplay做的Remix都是Jungle舞曲。Take A Bow的Remix則帶有Jeep節奏,Bobby Brown之前的Good Enough的Maxi Single就是Jeep舞曲。1995年才發行Bedtime Story的Maxi Single風格再變,Album Version已經有一些Trip Hop元素,William Orbit的remix則是加強Trip Hop的份量,Junior Vasquez的Remix則是再加上Jungle。在這張大碟發行前的I'll Remember,William Orbit也是使用了Trip Hop來Remix。至於Human Nature我買了兩張,除了US Maxi CD Single之外,另外又買了European CD Singel,因為裡面的Human Club Mix是美版沒有的。
發表於 2013-12-3 00:53
ivan_shan 發表於 2013-12-3 00:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我的編年看起來好像漏了1991年,但其實The Immaculate Collection大碟中的Rescue Me ...
From 1992 to 1995, after the erotica album I started a bit tired of Madonna sound, so I did not buy all stuffs{:1_348:}
here are my collection of 1992-1995{:1_346:}
發表於 2013-12-3 02:08
The first part of my Madonna CDs from her debut album "Madonna" (1982) until "Something To Remember" (1995):{:6_127:}
1. Madonna (Remastered CD album)
2. Like A Virgin (Remastered CD album)
3. True Blue (Remastered CD album)
4. You Can Dance (Remixed CD album)
5. Who's That Girl (Soundtrack CD album)
6. Like A Prayer (CD album)
7. The Immaculate Collection (1st Greatest Hits Collection CD album)
8. Erotica (CD album)
9. Something To Remember (Ballads Collection CD album)
Really love them all {:6_134:}
發表於 2013-12-3 02:13
ernietse 發表於 2013-12-3 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
From 1992 to 1995, after the erotica album I started a bit tired of Madonna sound, so I did not bu ...
"From 1992 to 1995, after the erotica album I started a bit tired of Madonna sound, so I did not buy all stuffs ...."
反而最遺憾的,是在LD年代個人好鍾意的"Live in Japan"一直都不見有出DVD(翻版DVD倒見過在日本啞苦有拍賣)...{:9_440:} {:9_440:}
發表於 2013-12-3 02:34
ivan_shan 發表於 2013-12-2 00:58 static/image/common/back.gif
有香港朋友認為The Immaculate Collection(1990)很「廢」,我個人反而有不同的看法。這張大碟全部都用了當 ...
Thanks again for the sharing and such detailed discussion of Madonna's singles coming from each of her studio album and also her "Immaculate Collection" album. Now I think I may still continue to "love" Immaculate Collection CD for "Vogue" and others,without having to look further for her Vogue and many other CD singles {:6_177:}
發表於 2013-12-3 03:00
ivan_shan 發表於 2013-12-3 00:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我的編年看起來好像漏了1991年,但其實The Immaculate Collection大碟中的Rescue Me ...
"我個人認為從Erotica(1992)大碟開始,Madonna開始變得更成熟,至少裡面的歌曲是更成熟的舞曲..." {:6_193:}
I couldn't agree more!!! "Erotica" and "Bedtime Stories" and are so colorful....when Madonna was reinventing herself and experimenting with house music and R & B that prevailed as the mainstream pop music in both US and UK at that time. Both albums are so EXCELLENT and house and R & B oriented. {:6_193:} They hardly sound dated even today...such classics!
發表於 2013-12-3 12:46
本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-12-3 17:01 編輯
ernietse 發表於 2013-12-3 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
From 1992 to 1995, after the erotica album I started a bit tired of Madonna sound, so I did not bu ...
What I mean tired of madonna sound from 1982-1995, amost 13years time, she is talent to have so many pop songs (very catchy tune, melody and easy to like) + interesting music video to really draw the mass market attention, this is true and fact.
But as time goes by, this early 80’s madonna sound formula is getting routine, bored, unexcited, predictable,I remember even the human nature, take a bow were playing in the disco dance floor, I don’t feel much excited to dance
And during the 90’s era, some new comer are emerging such as 1993 bjork debut album, portishead 1994 ( new kind of we~one~one sound), enigma using gregorian chants sound 1990, or soulIIsoul sound, so many other more thrilling sound to hear than kind of mono 80’s madonna sound, that’s why I switch to other different colorful sound and tune{:1_338:}
Don’t forget janet jackson is booming that era too, toni braxton, kylie minogue, m people, everything but the girl, so many dancefloor queen are trying hard to be spin on technics SL-1200~~~
發表於 2013-12-3 13:02
ernietse 發表於 2013-12-3 12:46 static/image/common/back.gif
What I mean tired of madonna sound from 1982-1995, amost 13years time, she is talent to have so ma ...
And look how interesting the music industry is today, with our "new" Madonna - Lady Gaga{:1_262:} {:1_262:} {:1_262:}
But in my humble opinion, she isn't even 1% of Madonna but trying to "build" her carrier with t
he so called "unique" image and cosmetics and catching on her popularity by demoralising Christianity, it is very laughable{:1_253:} {:1_253:}.
發表於 2013-12-3 13:45
psb 發表於 2013-12-3 13:02 static/image/common/back.gif
And look how interesting the music industry is today, with our "new" Madonna - Lady Gaga...
in my opinion, LADY GAGA simply just a stageperformer, lip-singer, or just an image-actor rather than classified as an traditionally recognized music artist{:1_263:}
發表於 2013-12-3 14:35
ernietse 發表於 2013-12-3 13:45 static/image/common/back.gif
in my opinion, LADY GAGA simply just a stageperformer, lip-singer, or just an image-actor rather ...
True, and she (and so many idols-alike "wannabes" out there, such as the "manufactured" products of "Idols" TV programmes and X Factor) know that most audience today (I do not just mean the younger or teenage audience, but adults as well) in the world are very "empty" and simple minded and they will just accept whatever comes to them like fashion, as they are no longer objective but hypnotized. The fast that those TV/movie actors and actresses (even HK's) who can't really sing but have the beauty release albums has implied that even the record companies are full of those tasteless business people {:6_183:}. I do not think anyone will buy music in future but download their photos on internet and this will eventually kill both all the so called "new artists"{:1_262:} and the cheap record companies.